
Thursday 16 June 2022

Class 12 Biology - Molecular Basis of Inheritance (MCQs) #class12Biology #NEET #eduvictors

Class 12 Biology - Molecular Basis of Inheritance (MCQs)

Class 12 Biology - Molecular Basis of Inheritance (MCQs) #class12Biology #NEET #eduvictors

Q1(NEET 2017). The final proof for DNA as the genetic material came from the experiments of 

(a) Griffith

(b) Hershey and Chase

(c) Avery, MacLeod and McCarty

(d) Har Gobind Khorana

Q2. Polysome is formed by

(a) a ribosome with several subunits

(b) ribosomes attached to each other in a linear arrangement

(c) several ribosomes attached to a single mRNA

(d) many ribosomes attached to a strand of the endoplasmic reticulum.

Q3. In E.coli, the lac operon gets switched on when

(a) lactose is present and it binds to the repressor

(b) repressor binds to the operator

(c) RNA polymerase binds to the operator

(d) lactose is present and it binds to RNA polymerase

Q4. Nucleosome core is made of

(a) H1, H2A, H2B and H3

(b) H1, H2A, H2B and H4

(c) H1, H2A, H2B, H3 and H4

(d) H2A, H2B, H3 and H4

Q5 (NEET-II 2016). Taylor conducted the experiments to prove the semiconservative mode of chromosome replication on

(a) Vinca rosea 

(b) Vicia faba

(c) Drosophila melanogaster

(d) E. coli

Q6. The human chromosome with the highest and least number of genes in them are respectively

(a) Chromosome 21 and Y 

(b) Chromosome 1 and X

(c) Chromosome 1 and Y 

(d) Chromosome X and Y

Q7(NEET 2017). Which of the following RNAs should be most abundant in animals cell? 

(a) rRNA 

(b) tRNA

(c) mRNA 

(d) mRNA

Q8. The human genome project was coordinated by which country?

(a) Japan 

(b) Europe

(c) China 

(d) USA

Q9(NEET 2018). All of the following are parts of an operon except

(a) an enhancer

(b) structural genes

(c) an operator

(d) a promoter

Q10(NEET 2016). Which one of the following is the starter codon?

(a) UGA 

(b) UAA 

(c) UAG 

(d) AUG


1. (b) Hershey and Chase

2. (c) several ribosomes attached to a single mRNA

3. (a) lactose is present and it binds to the repressor

4. (d) H2A, H2B, H3 and H4

5. (b) Vicia faba

6. (c) Chromosome 1 and Y 

7. (a) rRNA 

8. (d) USA

9. (a) an enhancer

10. (d) AUG

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