
Thursday 23 June 2022

Class 12 - Biology - Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production (MCQs) #class12Biology #eduvictors #NEET #biology

 Class 12 - Biology - Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production (MCQs)

Class 12 - Biology - Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production (MCQs) #class12Biology #eduvictors #NEET #biology

Q1(AIPMT 2010). Breeding of crops with high levels of minerals, vitamins and proteins is called

(a) Somatic hybridization 

(b) Biofortification

(c) Biomagnification 

(d) Micropropagation

Q2. Animal husbandry deals with the care and breeding of livestock like

(a) Buff aloes and cows 

(b) Pig and horses

(c) Sheep, camel and goat 

(d) All of these

Q3. “Jaya” and “Ratna” developed for the Green revolution in India are the varieties of

(a) maize 

(b) rice

(c) wheat 

(d) bajra

Q4. Inbreeding is carried out in animal husbandry because it

(a) increases vigour 

(b) improves the breed

(c) increases heterozygosity 

(d) increases homozygosity

Q5.Superovulation is induced by

(a) artificial insemination  

(b) more mating

(c) hormonal injection 

(d) Any of these

Q6. Which process of plant breeding technique is the most time-consuming and tedious?

(a) Collection of variability

(b) Cross hybridization among the selected parents

(c) Evaluation and selection of parents

(d) Selection and testing of superior recombinants

Q7. The term ‘totipotency’ refers to the capacity of a

(a) Cell to generate the whole plant 

(b) Bud to generate the whole plant

(c) Seed to germinate 

(d) Cell to enlarge in size

Q8(AIPMT). Golden rice is a genetically modified crop plant where the incorporated gene is meant for the biosynthesis of:

(a) Vitamin C 

(b) Omega 3

(c) Vitamin A 

(d) Vitamin B

Q9. An explant is

(a) dead plant 

(b) part of the plant

(c) part of the plant used in tissue culture 

(d) part of the plant that expresses a specific gene

Q10. A collection of all the alleles of all the genes of a crop plant is called

(a) germplasm collection 

(b) protoplasm collection

(c) herbarium 

(d) somaclonal collection


1. (b) Biofortification

2. (d) All of these

3. (b) rice

4. (d) increases homozygosity

5. (c) hormonal injection 

6. (b) Cross hybridization among the selected parents

7. (a) Cell to generate the x`whole plant 

8. (c) Vitamin A 

9. (c) part of the plant used in tissue culture 

10. (a) germplasm collection 

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