
Saturday 10 June 2023

Based on your reading of the lesson ‘How I Taught My Grandmother to Read’, draft a speech to be delivered in the Morning Assembly on the topic ‘Importance of Adult Education’. Write the speech in about 150 words

Based on your reading of the lesson ‘How I Taught My Grandmother to Read’, draft a speech to be delivered in the Morning Assembly on the topic ‘Importance of Adult Education’. Write the speech in about 150 words

Based on your reading of the lesson ‘How I Taught My Grandmother to Read’, draft a speech to be delivered in the Morning Assembly on the topic ‘Importance of Adult Education’. Write the speech in about 150 words

Good morning, students and teachers.

Today, I would like to talk to you about the importance of adult education. As you know, education is important for everyone, regardless of age. However, adult education is often overlooked. This is a shame, because adult education can offer many benefits.
For example, adult education can help adults to:

1. Improve their literacy and numeracy skills.
2. Learn new skills that can help them in their careers.
3. Gain knowledge about important topics such as health, finance, and civics.
4. Improve their confidence and self-esteem.

We can take the inspiration from the chapter "How I Taught My Grandmother to Read" is that it is never too late to learn. The grandmother in the story was 62 years old when she started learning to read, and she was able to achieve her goal with the help of her granddaughter. This story shows that with determination and effort, anything is possible.

  • Gramdma teaches us "Never give up on your dreams."  The grandmother in the story had always wanted to learn to read, but she had never had the opportunity. When she was 62 years old, she finally decided to pursue her dream. She faced many challenges, but she never gave up.

  • She also teaches "Ask for help when you need it." The grandmother in the story could not have learned to read without the help of her granddaughter. If you are trying to learn something new, don't be afraid to ask for help from friends, family, or teachers.

  • Nonetheless she also tells us to celebrate your successes. When the grandmother in the story finally learned to read, she was overjoyed. It is important to celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem.

No doubt, it is a story that can motivate anyone to pursue their dreams, no matter how old they are.

In addition to these benefits, adult education can also help to improve the community as a whole. By educating adults, we can help to reduce poverty, crime, and social isolation. We can also create a more informed and engaged citizenry.

I urge you to consider the importance of adult education. If you know an adult who could benefit from education, please encourage them to enroll in a class. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of adults and in our communities.

Thank you.

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