Friday 7 April 2017

CBSE Class 10 - Biology - Life Processes (Nutrition) - Q and A (#cbsenotes)

Life Processes (Nutrition)  

Q and A
CBSE Class 10 - Biology 
CBSE Class 10 - Biology - Life Processes (Nutrition) - Q and A (#cbsenotes)

Q1: Define nutrition.

Answer: The process of taking in food or consuming food and utilising it is called nutrition.

Q2: What are the modes of nutrition?


Q3: What is a nutrient?

Answer: A nutrient is a substance in food that performs a physiological function in the body. A nutrient gives energy and promotes growth and development of the body.

Q4: What happens if there is a deficiency of a particular type of nutrient? Give an example.

Answer: There may be a deficiency disorder. e.g. deficiency of Vitamin C causes capillaries break easily and often leads to bleeding of gums.

Q5: Name the different classes of nutrients.

Answer: Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, Minerals, Vitamins and Water.

Q6: Give an example of micronutrient.

Answer: Minerals and Vitamins

Q7: What is autotrophic nutrition?

Answer: It is that mode of nutrition in which an organism makes its own food from simpler inorganic substances like CO₂ and water with the help of sunlight energy is called autotrophic nutrition.

Q8: Give examples of organisms that are autotrophs.

Answer: Green plants and certain bacteria.

Q9: Name the green pigment present in the cells of autotrophs which trap sunlight.

Answer: Chlorophyl

Q10: In what form glucouse is stored for longer duration in plant cells.

Answer: As starch.

Q11: What is analogous to starch in human body to store food energy for longer term?

Answer: Glycogen

Q12: What is heterotrophic nutrition?

Answer: It is that mode of nutrition in which an organism cannot make its own food but depends on other organisms for its food is called heterotrophic mode of nutrition.

Q13: Name the different types of heterotrophic nutrition.

Saprotrophic nutrition
Parasitic nutrition
Holozoic nutrition

Q14: Give examples of heterotrophs.

Answer: Animals and Fungi

Q15: What is the mode of nutrition of plasmodium.

Answer: Parasitic nutrition.

Q16: What is the mode of nutrition in fungi.

Answer: Saprophytic or Parasitic nutrition.

Q17: Give an example of plant parasite.

Answer: Amarbel (Cuscatta)

Q18: Some organisms take in whole food and then break it down to simple substances inside their bodies and then absorb it. What is the name of such type of heterotrophic nutrition? Give examples of organisms showing such type of nutrition.

Answer: Holozoic mode of nutrition. Examples are human, cattle, frog, fish etc.

Q19: Name the Basic steps of nutrition in animals.


Q20: Based on kinds of food animals eat, name the types they are divided into?


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