Class 6 Study Material, Worksheets, NCERT Answers, Sample Question Papers Hindi, Science, Maths, Social Science, Computers, French, English Grammar
Here you may find Study Notes, assignments, concept maps, worksheets, NCERT Solutions and lots of study material for easy learning and understanding. Important questions as per the latest NCERT Syllabus and from popular books are included in the worksheet assignments.
If you like them please spread the word by sharing them with your friends. The Class 6th Notes included here, come to your aid no matter where you are in the academic year or where your preparations are at. The level of knowledge and information required to consume the notes is absolutely basic that we have designed.
CBSE Class 6 Study Notes, NCERT Chapter Solutions, MCQs
CH1 Food: Where does it Come From (Q & A)
Ch1 Food: Where does it Come From (MCQs)
CH1 Food: Where Does it Come From (Worksheet)
Ch 1 Food: Where does it come from? (Important Points)
Food: Where Does It Come From? - Extra Q & A
CH2 Components of Food (NCERT Solution)
CH2 Components of Food (MCQs)
CH2 Components of Food (Worksheet)
CH2 Components of Food (Q & A)
CH3 Fibre to Fabric(Q & A)
CH3 Fibre to Fabric(MCQs-1)
CH3 Fibre to Fabric(MCQs-2)
CH3 Fibre To Fabric (Worksheet)
CH3 Fibre To Fabric (Q & A -2)
CH4 Sorting Materials into Groups
CH4 Sorting Material into Groups (MCQs)
CH4 Sorting Materials into Groups (Worksheet-1)
Play Game: Sort Vegetables and Fruits
CH4 Sorting Materials into Groups (Worksheet-2)
CH5 Separation of Substances (Q &A)
CH5 Separation of Substances (MCQs-1)
CH5 Separation Of Substances (MCQs-2)
CH5 Separation of Substances (Worksheet)
CH6 Changes around Us(Q & A)
CH6 Changes Around Us (MCQs)
CH6 Changes Around Us (MCQs-1)
CH6 Changes Around Us (Worksheet)
CH7 Getting to know plants(Q &A)
CH7 Getting to know plants(MCQs)
CH7 Getting to know plants (Worksheet)
CH8 Body Movements (Q & A)
Ch8 Body Movements (MCQs)
Ch8 Body Movements (Worksheet)
CH9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings
CH9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings (MCQs)
CH9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings (Worksheet)
CH10 Motion and Measurements (Q & A)
CH10 Motion and Measurements (MCQs)
CH10 Motion and Measurements (Worksheet)
CH11 Light, Shadows and Reflections
CH11 Light Shadows and Reflections(MCQs)
CH11 Light Shadows and Reflections (Worksheet)
CH12 Electricity and Circuits
CH12 Electricity and Circuits (MCQs)
CH 12 Electricity and Circuits (Worksheet)
CH13 Fun with Magnet(Q & A)
CH13 Fun With Magnets (MCQs)
CH 13 Fun with Magnets (Worksheet)
CH14 Water (Q & A and NCERT Solutions)
CH14 Water (MCQs)
CH14 Water (Worksheet)
CH 15 Air Around Us
CH 15 Air Around Us (MCQs)
CH 15 Air Around Us (Worksheet)
CH 16 Garbage In Garbage Out (Q and A)
CH 16 Garbage In Garbage Out (Worksheet)
Science Quiz
Science Quiz (2016)
Science Quiz (2018)
Class 6 - Science - Half Yearly 2022-23 Question Paper
Class 6 NCERT Science Chapters MCQs at
Amazing Human Body - Quick Facts
Ch1 Food: Where does it Come From (MCQs)
CH1 Food: Where Does it Come From (Worksheet)
Ch 1 Food: Where does it come from? (Important Points)
Food: Where Does It Come From? - Extra Q & A
CH2 Components of Food (NCERT Solution)
CH2 Components of Food (MCQs)
CH2 Components of Food (Worksheet)
CH2 Components of Food (Q & A)
CH3 Fibre to Fabric(Q & A)
CH3 Fibre to Fabric(MCQs-1)
CH3 Fibre to Fabric(MCQs-2)
CH3 Fibre To Fabric (Worksheet)
CH3 Fibre To Fabric (Q & A -2)
CH4 Sorting Materials into Groups
CH4 Sorting Material into Groups (MCQs)
CH4 Sorting Materials into Groups (Worksheet-1)
Play Game: Sort Vegetables and Fruits
CH4 Sorting Materials into Groups (Worksheet-2)
CH5 Separation of Substances (Q &A)
CH5 Separation of Substances (MCQs-1)
CH5 Separation Of Substances (MCQs-2)
CH5 Separation of Substances (Worksheet)
CH6 Changes around Us(Q & A)
CH6 Changes Around Us (MCQs)
CH6 Changes Around Us (MCQs-1)
CH6 Changes Around Us (Worksheet)
CH7 Getting to know plants(Q &A)
CH7 Getting to know plants(MCQs)
CH7 Getting to know plants (Worksheet)
CH8 Body Movements (Q & A)
Ch8 Body Movements (MCQs)
Ch8 Body Movements (Worksheet)
CH9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings
CH9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings (MCQs)
CH9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings (Worksheet)
CH10 Motion and Measurements (Q & A)
CH10 Motion and Measurements (MCQs)
CH10 Motion and Measurements (Worksheet)
CH11 Light, Shadows and Reflections
CH11 Light Shadows and Reflections(MCQs)
CH11 Light Shadows and Reflections (Worksheet)
CH12 Electricity and Circuits
CH12 Electricity and Circuits (MCQs)
CH 12 Electricity and Circuits (Worksheet)
CH13 Fun with Magnet(Q & A)
CH13 Fun With Magnets (MCQs)
CH 13 Fun with Magnets (Worksheet)
CH14 Water (Q & A and NCERT Solutions)
CH14 Water (MCQs)
CH14 Water (Worksheet)
CH 15 Air Around Us
CH 15 Air Around Us (MCQs)
CH 15 Air Around Us (Worksheet)
CH 16 Garbage In Garbage Out (Q and A)
CH 16 Garbage In Garbage Out (Worksheet)
Science Quiz
Science Quiz (2016)
Science Quiz (2018)
Class 6 - Science - Half Yearly 2022-23 Question Paper
Class 6 NCERT Science Chapters MCQs at
Amazing Human Body - Quick Facts
Social Studies
Our Pasts - CH1 - What, Where, How and When? (NCERT Q & A)
Our Pasts - CH1 - What, Where, How and When? (Q &A)
Our Pasts - CH1 - What, Where, How and When (Worksheet)
Our Pasts - CH2 - On the Trail of Earliest People
Our Pasts - CH3 - From Gathering to Growing Foods
Our Pasts - CH3 - From Hunting - To Gathering To Growing Food (Worksheet)
Our Pasts - CH4 - In the Earliest Cities
Our Pasts - CH5 - What Books and Burials Tell Us?
Our Pasts - Ch6 - Kings and Kingdoms of Early Republic
Our Pasts - Ch6 - Kings and Kingdoms of Early Republic (Vedic Age) - Key Terms
Our Pasts - CH8 - Ashoka The Emperor who Gave up War
Our Pasts - CH8 - Ashoka The Emperor Who Gave Up War (Q&A-2)
Our Pasts - CH9 - Traders, Kings and Pilgrims (Q & A)
Pre-Historic Ages - A Bird's eye view
CH1 - Understanding Diversity
CH2 - Diversity and Discrimination (Short Q & A)
CH2 - Diversity and Discrimination (Worksheet)
CH3 - What is a government?
CH4 - Key Elements of Democracy
CH4 - Key Elements Of A Democratic Government
CH5 - Panchayati Raj (Worksheet)
Geography - CH1- The Earth in the Solar System (Q & A)
Geography - CH1 - The Earth in the Solar System (Assignment Sheet)
Geography - CH2 - Globe - Longitudes and Latitudes
Geography - Ch2 - Globe - Longitudes and Latitudes (Questions and Answers)
Geography CH3 - Motions of The Earth (Q & A)
Geography CH7 - Our Country India (Q & A)
Geography - Know About India (Q & A)
Geography - Our Country India (Worksheet)
Geography - Indian States Touching International Borders
Geography CH8 - India: Climate, Vegetation and Wildlife (Q & A)
Social Studies Quiz
Social Studies Quiz (2016)
Social Science Annual Question Paper (2020-21)
GK Quiz-1 - Famous Persons from History
Quiz on Sobriquets
Hindi and Sanskrit
औपचारिक पत्र
अनौपचारिक पत्र
संज्ञा – विकार कारक
शब्द – निर्माण: उपसर्ग
हिंदी - लोकोक्तियां (Hindi-Proverbs)
Hindi Grammar Quiz-1
Hindi Sample Question Paper (2019-2020)
संस्कृत - शब्द रूप
Sanskrit (संस्कृत) - Sample Question Paper - (2017-18)
अनौपचारिक पत्र
संज्ञा – विकार कारक
शब्द – निर्माण: उपसर्ग
हिंदी - लोकोक्तियां (Hindi-Proverbs)
Hindi Grammar Quiz-1
Hindi Sample Question Paper (2019-2020)
चाँद से थोड़ी-सी गप्पें - कविता का सार और व्याख्या - कक्षा-6 विषय- हिंदी पुस्तक - वसंत भाग- 1
संस्कृत - शब्द रूप
Sanskrit (संस्कृत) - Sample Question Paper - (2017-18)
Try these grammar quizzes, worksheets to test your understanding of grammar. All quizzes have answers available. This grammar section explains English grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used and there are interactive exercises so you can practise what you learn.
Confusing Sentences
Grammar Quiz - Worksheet (2016)
Kinds of Sentences (Part 1)
Confusing Sentences
Grammar Quiz - Worksheet (2016)
Kinds of Sentences (Part 1)
Sentence Correction - Subject-Verb Agreement
Proper Noun vs Common Noun (Worksheet)
Reading Comprehension (set-9)
Reading Comprehension (Unseen Poem)-5
Reading Comprehension (Set-14) (Easy Level)
Gender Nouns (Worksheet)
Simple Present Tense (Worksheet)
Prepositions (Worksheet)
Pronouns (Worksheet)
Transitive vs Intransitive Verbs
Comparative and Superlative Adjectives (Worksheet)
Pronouns (Worksheet-2)
Poem: A Cobra Speaks His Mind written by Zai Whitaker | Summary and Explanation
Poem: A Psalm of Life | Explanation and Questions and Answers
Proper Noun vs Common Noun (Worksheet)
Reading Comprehension (set-9)
Reading Comprehension (Unseen Poem)-5
Reading Comprehension (Set-14) (Easy Level)
Gender Nouns (Worksheet)
Simple Present Tense (Worksheet)
Prepositions (Worksheet)
Pronouns (Worksheet)
Transitive vs Intransitive Verbs
Comparative and Superlative Adjectives (Worksheet)
Pronouns (Worksheet-2)
Poem: A Cobra Speaks His Mind written by Zai Whitaker | Summary and Explanation
Poem: A Psalm of Life | Explanation and Questions and Answers
Maths Quiz (2016)
Knowing Our Numbers (NCERT Ex 1.1)
Knowing Our Numbers (NCERT Ex 1.2)
Knowing Our Numbers (NCERT Ex 1.3)
Number System (MCQs)
Roman Numbers
Whole Numbers (NCERT Ex 2.1)
Whole Numbers (NCERT Ex 2.2)
Whole Numbers (NCERT Ex 2.3)
Playing With Numbers (NCERT Ex 3.1)
Playing With Numbers (NCERT Ex 3.2)
Playing With Numbers (NCERT Ex 3.3)
Playing With Numbers (NCERT Ex 3.4)
Playing With Numbers (NCERT Ex 3.5)
Playing With Numbers (NCERT Ex 3.6)
Playing With Numbers (NCERT Ex 3.7)
Integers (Worksheet) Integers (Solved Problems)
Chapter 10 - Mensuration (Assignment Sheet)
Playing With Numbers (Worksheet)
Knowing Our Numbers (NCERT Ex 1.1)
Knowing Our Numbers (NCERT Ex 1.2)
Knowing Our Numbers (NCERT Ex 1.3)
Number System (MCQs)
Roman Numbers
Whole Numbers (NCERT Ex 2.1)
Whole Numbers (NCERT Ex 2.2)
Whole Numbers (NCERT Ex 2.3)
Playing With Numbers (NCERT Ex 3.1)
Playing With Numbers (NCERT Ex 3.2)
Playing With Numbers (NCERT Ex 3.3)
Playing With Numbers (NCERT Ex 3.4)
Playing With Numbers (NCERT Ex 3.5)
Playing With Numbers (NCERT Ex 3.6)
Playing With Numbers (NCERT Ex 3.7)
Integers (Worksheet) Integers (Solved Problems)
Chapter 10 - Mensuration (Assignment Sheet)
Playing With Numbers (Worksheet)