Friday 24 July 2020

CBSE Class – 6 Chapter – (History) What, Where, How and When (Worksheet) (#eduvictors)(#class6History)(#cbsenotes)

What, Where, How and When (Worksheet)

Class – 6 Chapter –  Social Science (History)

CBSE Class – 6 Chapter –  (History) What, Where, How and When (Worksheet) (#eduvictors)(#class6History)(#cbsenotes)

Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1. The famous Greek historian __________ is regarded as the “father of history’.

2. _______ is taken as the central point in a timeline of human history.

3. ___________ is the study of the remains of the ancient past.

4. The order of arranging the events that happened first, followed by events that happened later is called _____________.

5. The class of people distinguished by high rank, certain privileges and rights are commonly called as _________.

6. _________ are writings engraved on rocks, pillars, cave walls, walls of forts, palaces and temples, and on clay and copper tablets,

7. Old buildings of historical importance are known __________.

8. Records of a region or dynasty outlining acts and events in the order of their occurrence are called ___________.

9. BCE stands for _________________.

10. AD stands for _____________, means in the year of our Lord.

11. _________ is the long period of human evolution before the invention of writing.

12. _________ are the records written by hand. These were usually written on palm leaf, or on the specially prepared bark of a tree known as the birch.

13.  The study of coins is called __________.

14. ______ an account of a person written by another person.

15. The places where rice was first grown are to the north of the ________.

16.  The most ancient  form of writing was _______, wedge-shaped marks made on clay tablets.

17. The four Vedas are _______, ________, _________ and __________.

18. The Ganga Valley had cities about ________ years ago.

19. Megasthenes who was a Greek ambassador to the court of Chandragupta Maurya wrote book called, the _________.

20. _________, the book was written by Kautilya, contains guidelines on how to run a government.

1: Herodotus
2: 1 CE (CE stands for Common Era)
3: Archaeology
4: chronology
5: nobility
6: Inscriptions
7: monuments
8: chronicles
9: Before Common Era
10: Anno Domini
11: Prehistory
12: Manuscripts
13: numismatics
14: Biography
15: Vindhyas
16: cuneiform
17: Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda
18: 2500
19: Indica
20: Arthashastra

☞See also:
Our Pasts - CH1 - What, Where, How and When? (NCERT Q & A)
Our Pasts - CH1 - What, Where, How and When? (Q &A)

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