Showing posts with label class10-geography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label class10-geography. Show all posts

Sunday 28 November 2021

CBSE Class 10 Social Science - Worksheet (Term 1) #eduvictors #class10SocialScience #cbseTerm1

CBSE Class 10 Social Science - Worksheet (Term 1)

CBSE Class 10 Social Science - Worksheet (Term 1) #eduvictors #class10SocialScience #cbseTerm1

Fill in the blanks

Chapter: Resources and Development

1. Human beings, Fisheries, Flora and Fauna, etc. are obtained from biosphere, are called __________

2. Resources composed of non-living things, e.g.: Rocks, metals, etc. These are called __________.

3. Picnic spots, public spots, etc. that are shared by the public or by a community are called _________.

Monday 30 December 2019

CBSE Class 10 - Geography - Chapter 4: Agriculture - Question Bank (#cbseclass10)(#eduvictors)

Chapter 4: Agriculture - Question Bank

CBSE Class 10 - Geography
CBSE Class 10 - Geography - Chapter 4: Agriculture - Question Bank (#cbseclass10)(#eduvictors)

Very Short Answer Type(1 marks) Questions

1. What is the average size of agricultural holding in India in 1970?

2. In which part of India is Jhumming practiced in India?

3. Name any two fiber crops.

4. Name the country in which Jhumming agriculture is known as Milpa?

5. Which type of farming is practiced in areas with high population pressure on land?

6. Which type of agriculture is practiced on small patches of land with the help of primitive tools?

7. What is Bewar?

8. What is Pama Dabi?

9. Can you name the type of farming Rinjha‟s family is engaged in?

10. Can you enlist some crops which are grown on shifting agriculture?

Monday 16 December 2019

CBSE Class 10 - Social Science - Geography - Chapter: Resources and Development - Question Bank (2019-20)(#CBSEclass10Geography)(#eduvictors)

Chapter: Resources and Development Question Bank (2019-20)

CBSE Class 10 - Social Science - Geography 
CBSE Class 10 - Social Science - Geography - Chapter: Resources and Development - Question Bank (2019-20)(#CBSEclass10Geography)(#eduvictors)

Very Short Answer Type (1 marks) Questions 

1. Who wrote the book "Small is Beautiful"?

2. Which type of soil is found in the river deltas of the Eastern Coast?

3. Write the two types of renewable resources.

4. From which Five Year Plan has India made concerted efforts for achieving the goals of resource planning?

5. Give any two factors which determine the land use pattern of a nation.

6. How much degraded land is present in India? 7. By which name is the bad land known in Chambal basin?

8. Name the institution which is empowered by the government of India to acquire land?

9. What is strip cropping?

Saturday 11 August 2018

Indian States Touching International Borders - Geography - CBSE Class 6/7/8/9/10/NTSE/CTET -

Indian States Touching International Borders 

Indian States Touching International Borders  - Geography - CBSE Class 6/7/8/9/10/NTSE/CTET -


States Situated on International Borders
(Indian States touching International Borders)
No. Countries States
1 Pakistan 1. Gujarat
2. Rajasthan
3. Punjab
4. Jammu & Kashmir