Blog provides NCERT solutions, CBSE, NTSE, Olympiad study material, model test papers, important Questions and Answers asked in CBSE examinations. References to Educational Sites and resources.
Tuesday, 6 December 2022
Wednesday, 8 September 2021
CBSE Class 8 Chemistry - Metals and Non-Metals (MCQs) (#class8Chemistry)(#class8Science)(#eduvictors)
CBSE Class 8 Chemistry - Metals and Non-Metals (MCQs)
Q1: All metals are solids except:
(a) Sodium
(b) Calcium
(c) Mercury
(d) Copper
Q2: Which of the following metal does not react with dilute Hydrochloric acid?
(a) Iron
(b) Sodium
(c) Magnesium
(d) Copper

Monday, 14 September 2020
CBSE Class 9 - Biology - Animal Tissues (MCQs)(#class9Biology)(#eduvictors)(#animaltissues)
Animal Tissues (MCQs)
CBSE Class 9 - Biology
Read the question carefully and choose the correct option from the choices given.
Q1: The tissue responsible for movement in our body is
(A) connective tissue
(B) nervous tissue
(C) muscular tissue
(D) epithelial tissue
Q2: Neuron receives and transmits information and messages in the form of
(A) nerve beats
(B) muscular impulses
(C) nerve impulses
(D) nerve processes

Tuesday, 19 May 2020
CBSE Class 10 - Biology - Control and Coordination (Worksheet - Fill in the Blanks)(#eduvictors)(#cbse)(#Class10Biology)
Control and Coordination (Worksheet - Fill in the Blanks)
Fill in the blanks:
1. Control and coordination are the functions of the nervous system and --------------- in our body.
2. The nervous system uses ---------------impulses to transmit messages.
3. Central nervous system consists of -------------and--------------.
4. Largest part of the brain is---------------.
5. The growth of pollen tubes towards the ovules is the result of a ------------- movement.
6. The chemical substances which bring about control and coordination in plants ---------.

Wednesday, 29 April 2020
CBSE Class 8 - Science - Force, Pressure and Friction (Multiple Choice Questions)(#eduvictors)(#cbseClass8Science)
Force, Pressure and Friction
(Multiple Choice Questions)
Q1. Force on an object
(a) must change the speed of the object if it is moving.
(b) may change the direction of motion.
(c) must change the shape of object. .
(d) none of these
Q2. Strength of a force is expressed by
(a) Magnitude
(b) Direction
(c) Both magnitude and direction
(d) none of these
3. Force of friction is
(a) contact force
(b) non-contact force
(c) gravitational force
(d) electrostatic force

Sunday, 1 March 2020
CBSE Class 10 - Science Quiz (2020) (#eduvictors)(#cbseClass10Science)
CBSE Class 10 - Science Quiz (2020)
Q1: The shiny finish of wall after white wash is because of
(a) CaO
(b) Ca(OH)₂
(c) CaCO₃
(d) Ca₃(PO₄)₂
Q2: Chemical formula for baking soda is:
(a) NaHCO₃
(b) Na₂CO₃
(c) CaCO₃
(d) Mg(OH)₂
Q3: Green colour coating on copper utensils due to atmospheric corrosion is due to the formation of

Tuesday, 28 January 2020
CBSE Class 10 - Science - MCQs (#cbseClass10Science)(#eduvictors)
Science - MCQs
Q1: Optical density of a medium depends on
(a) Density of the medium
(b) Thickness of the medium
(c) Velocity of light in that medium
(d) None of these
Q2: Which of the following is not a physical change?
(a) Boiling of water to give water vapour
(b) Melting of ice to give water
(c) Dissolution of salt in water
(d) Combustion of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
Q3: Which of the following is correct about chromosomes?
(a) It is composed of DNA and lipids.
(b) It is composed of DNA and proteins.
(c) It is composed of DNA only.
(d) It is composed of RNA and proteins.

Tuesday, 2 July 2019
CBSE Class 10 - Biology - Control and CoOrdination (MCQs-2)(#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)
Control and Coordination
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credits:wikipedia |

Tuesday, 25 June 2019
Class 10 - Chemistry - Chapter 2 - Acids, Bases and Salts (MCQs-2) (#eduvictors)(#class10Chemistry)
Acids, Bases and Salts (MCQs-2)

Wednesday, 6 February 2019
CBSE Class 10 - Biology Quiz - Based on CBSE Class 10 Syllabus (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)(#biologyquiz)
Class 10 - Biology Quiz
Fill in the blanks:
1. ____ regulate the exchange of gases and the loss of water vapour from the leaves.
2. Iodine can be used to test the presence of____.
3. Respiration in the absence of oxygen by micro organisms is called _____.
4. In ATP, energy is stored in organic_____.
5. Respiration in Amoeba occurs by____.
6. __________ are the units of lungs.
7. ________ in human blood is the most efficient carrier of oxygen.
8. Doctors measure blood pressure with the instrument called ________.
9. The matrix of blood is ____.
10. Endocrine glands discharge their secretions into ____.

Wednesday, 5 December 2018
CBSE Class 6 - 10 - Scientific Discoveries and Inventions Quiz (#sciencequiz)(#eduvictors)
Scientific Discoveries and Inventions Quiz
Q1: Who discovered the first antibiotic?
(a) W Fleming
(b) C Waksman
(c) Louis Pasteur
(d) A Fleming
Q2: Who invented the Safety razor?
(a) Gillette
(b) Nikola Tesla
(c) Steve Job
(d) Lar Strauss
Q3: X–rays were discovered by
(a) Edison
(b) Roentgen
(c) Marie Curie
(d) Van Lue

Saturday, 24 November 2018
Science Quiz for CBSE Class 8 Students (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)
The scope of science stretches far and wide. The best time to educate students in scientific approach and critical thinking is by making sure that the curriculum is created keeping this vision in mind. NCERT Books are specially designed keeping such objectives in mind.
Based on Class 8 Science NCERT book, follwoing are the MCQs available to help students learn their lessons and assess their knowledge.

Tuesday, 30 October 2018
CBSE Class 9 - Science - Explore Science Quizzes To Assess Your Knowledge (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)
Class 9 Science: Explore Science Quizzes To Assess Your Knowledge
Chapter 1: Matter— Nature and Behaviour - Try Quiz
Quiz is based on CBSE syllabus covered including topics: Definition of matter; solid, liquid and gas; characteristics 7 shape, volume, density change of state, freezing, melting point etc.
Chapter 2: Is Matter Pure? - Try Quiz
Nature of matter: Elements, compounds and mixtures, Heterogeneous and homogenous mixtures, colloids and suspensions.
Chapter 3: Atoms and Molecules - Try Quiz
Atoms and molecules. Law of constant proportions, Atomic and molecular masses. Mole concept: Relationship of mole to mass of the particles and numbers.
Chapter 4: Structure Of Atom - Try Quiz
Electrons, protons and neutrons; Valency, chemical formula of common compounds, isotopes and isobars.

Sunday, 7 October 2018
CBSE Class 12 - 9 - How Good Your are in Physics? - Simple Physics Quiz (1 Word Answers)(#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)(#physicsquiz)
Physics Quiz (1 Word Answer)
Q2: The working of the quartz crystal in the watch is based on which effect?
Q3: What is the unit of Radioactivity?
Q4: What is the wavelength of the visible spectrum?
Q5: One astronomical unit is the average distance between___?
Q6: Number of basic S.I. units are ___.
Q7: What is the name of the scientist who stated that matter can be converted into energy?
Q8: The size of the atomic nucleus is of the order of___?
Q9: A temperature at which both the Fahrenheit and the centigrade scales have the same value?

Saturday, 8 September 2018
CBSE Class 6 - Science - Chapter 6 - Changes Around Us - Multiple Choice Questions (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)
(b) Melting of ghee
(c) Burning of candle
(d) Blooming of flower
Q2: Which of the following changes cannot be reversed?
(a) Hardening of cement
(b) Freezing of ice cream
(c) Opening a door
(d) Melting of chocolate
Q3: An iron ring is heated. Which of the following statement about it is incorrect?
(a) The ring expands
(b) The ring almost comes to the same size on cooling
(c) The change, in this case, is reversed
(d) The ring changes its shape and the change cannot be reversed

Friday, 17 August 2018
CBSE Class 8 - Science - Synthetic Fibres and Plastics (MCQs) - NCERT Exemplar Answers (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)
Synthetic Fibres and Plastics
Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1: Pick the synthetic fibre out of the following.(a) Cotton
(b) Nylon
(c) Jute
(d) Wool
Question 2: Which of the following is a source of rayon?
(a) Wool
(b) PET
(c) Wood pulp
(d) Silk
Question 3: Polycot is obtained by mixing
(a) nylon and wool
(b) polyester and wool
(c) nylon and cotton
(d) polyester and cotton

Monday, 16 July 2018
Class 6/7/8/9/10 Entrance Tests/NTSE/CTET/NDA - General Science Quiz (2018) (#eduvictors)
General Science Quiz
Q1: Which of the following is not example bio-mass energy source?
(a) Wood
(b) Gobar gas
(c) Atomic energy
(d) Coal
Q2: The scientific study of earthquakes is known as
(a) Seismology
(b) Cosmology
(c) Ecology
(d) Pathology
Q3: Which of the following is a plant hormone?
(a) Insulin
(b) Thyroxin
(c) Estrogen
(d) Cytokinin

Tuesday, 22 May 2018
CBSE Class 9 - Chemistry - Matter in Our Surroundings (MCQs) (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)
Matter in Our Surroundings
1. ______ is a physical quantity which expresses the amount of matter in a body.
(A) Mass
(B) Density
(C) Volume
(D) Temperature
2. The space inside a container that is occupied by matter is its ______.
(A) density
(B) mass
(C) volume
(D) shape
3. ______ is the ratio of mass of a substance to its volume.
(A) Viscosity
(B) Fluidity
(C) Density
(D) Elasticity

Wednesday, 22 July 2015
CBSE Class 9 - Biology - CH6 - Tissues (MCQs)
MCQs based on NCERT Chapter 6 Tissues
Q1: In plants which of the following have the capability of cell division?
(a) Parenchyma
(b) Sclerenchyma
(c) Xylem
(d) Apical Meristem
Q2: The growth is plants are
(a) limited to certain regions
(b) uniform in all parts
(c) limited to the top region
(d) limited to roots only.
Q3: Intercalary meristems are found
(a) at internodes and base of leaves
(b) at growing tips of roots
(c) beneath the bark
(d) at the tips of the stem
Q4: Cells of the tissue have dense cytoplasm, thin cellulose walls and prominent vacuoles. Identify the tissue.
(a) Collenchyma
(b) Sclerenchyma
(c) Meristem
(d) Parenchyma

Sunday, 26 April 2015
CBSE Class 8 Science - CH 14 - Chemical Effects of Electric Current (MCQs)
Chemical Effects of Electric Current
MCQsQ1: The liquid will conduct electric current in a circuit when the vessel is filled with _________.
(a) distilled water
(b) salt solution
(c) air
(d) helium
Q2: Which of the following substance is not a good conductor of electricity?
(a) copper
(b) aluminium
(c) rubber
(d) mercury
Q3: The decomposition of liquid compound on passing an electric current though it is known as ______
(a) electroplating
(b) electrolysis
(c) magnetic effect
(d) electro-resistivity
Q4: The glowing of filament bulb is due to