Chapter 2: Components of Food (Questions and Answers)
CBSE Class 6 - Science
Q1: What are nutrients?
Answer: The components of food that are necessary for growth and development of our body are called nutrients.
Q2: Which are the nutrients essential for our body?
Answer: Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, roughage and water are the nutrients essential for our body.
Q3: What is nutrition?
Answer: The process of taking nutrients from our food for the growth and development of body and to obtain energy is known as nutrition.
Q4: Write the functions of food.
Answer: The functions of food are as follows:
Ⓐ Food provides nutrients for proper growth and functioning of the body.
Ⓑ Food gives protection against diseases.
Ⓒ Food provides energy to carry out physical activities.
Q5: Why does our body need nutritious food?
Answer: We know that food is needed for the growth of our body. Food gives us energy to work and play. It gives us resistance against diseases. The components of food are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, fibre and water. Nutrients are the components of food that the body needs in adequate amounts for growth, to reproduce and to lead a normal healthy life. All types of nutrients have their own functions to perform, but the different nutrients must act together. So nutritious food provides energy for all the activities of body.
Q6: Name the different food groups.
Answer: Food can be broadly sub-divided into the following three groups:
Ⓐ Energy giving food: For example, carbohydrates and fats.
Ⓑ Body building food: For example, proteins.
Ⓒ Protective food: For example, vitamins and minerals.
Q7: How will you test for starch in a food sample?
Answer: Take a small quantity of a food sample, put 2-3 drops of iodine solution on it. A blue black colour indicates that the food sample contains starch.
Q8: How will you test for protein in a food sample?
Answer: Take a small quantity of food sample in a test tube, add 10 drops of water to it and shake the test tube, after that add two drops of solution of copper sulphate and ten drops of caustic soda. A violet colour indicates presence of protein in the food sample.
Q9: How will you test for fat in a food sample?
Answer: Put the sample of food on a piece of paper and crush it. If the paper at that spot becomes translucent and greasy, the sample contains fat.
Q10: What are the main carbohydrates found in our food?
Answer: The main carbohydrates found in our food are in the form of starch and sugars.
Q11: Name two energy-producing nutrients.
Answer: The two energy-producing nutrients are:
- Carbohydrates and
- Fats.
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By [[User:LaKeisha Eason|LaKeisha Eason-- 23:06, 13 September 2012 (UTC)]] (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons |
Q12: Name two nutrients which protect the body from diseases
Answer: Vitamins and Minerals.
Q13: Name two food items which provide fats.
Answer: Oil and Ghee.
Q14: Give examples of carbohydrates.
Answer: Sugars, starch and cellulose.
Q15: What are proteins composed of?
Answer: Proteins are composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.
👉See Also:
CH2 Components of Food (NCERT Solution)
CH2 Components of Food (MCQs)
CH2 Components of Food (Worksheet)
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