C++ Practical
Class Design Snippet-3
Question : Write a Program to define the classes PERSON, GAME and STUDENT & to access the essential data using multiple inheritance?
/* Program to define the classes PERSON, GAME and STUDENT & to access the essential data using multiple inheritance.*/ #include <iostream.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> class person { char name[21]; int age; public: void indata() { cout<< "\nEnter the name of Student: " ; gets(name); cout<< "\nEnter the age : "; cin >> age; } void outdata(); }; void person::outdata() // since the function contains loop so it is not made inline { cout<<"\n"; for(int i=0; i<79; i++) cout<<"-"; cout<<"\nName of the student is: "<<name; cout<<"\nAge of the student is : "<<age; } class game { char game_name[20]; public: void input() { cout<<"\n\nEnter the game name : "; cin.get();cin.getline(game_name,20); } void output() { cout<<"\n\nGame opted by the student is : "<<game_name; } }; class student: public person, public game { float Tmarks; int rollno; public: char calgrade() { if(Tmarks>90) return 'A'; else if(Tmarks>80&&Tmarks<=90) return 'B'; else if(Tmarks>70&&Tmarks<=80) return 'C'; else if(Tmarks>60&&Tmarks<=70) return 'D'; else return 'E'; } void enter() { indata(); // indata() of class person called here cout << "\nEnter the roll number: "; cin>>rollno; input(); // input() of class game called here cout << "\nEnter total marks (out of 100) : "; cin >> Tmarks; } void display() { outdata(); cout<<"\n\nRoll number : "<<rollno; output(); cout<<"\n\nTotal marks are : "<<Tmarks; cout<<"\n\nGrade = "<<calgrade(); } }; void main() { clrscr(); student A; A.enter(); A.display(); getch(); }
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