Friday 20 December 2019

CBSE Class 11 - Informatics Practices - Python Literals - Question and Answers (#eduvictors)(#cbsecClass11Python)

Python Basics - Literals

CBSE Class 11 - Informatics Practices 

Questions and Answers

CBSE Class 11 - Informatics Practices - Python Literals - Question and Answers (#eduvictors)(#cbsecClass11Python)

Question: What is a character set? What is Python Character Set?

Answer: A set of valid characters recognized by python constitutes character set.

Python (from version 3.x onwards) supports the Unicode text. It has the following character set:
Letters: A-Z,a-z
Digits:  0-9
Special symbols: Special symbol available over a keyboard
White spaces: blank space,tab, carriage return, newline, form feed
Other characters: Unicode

Question: Can I type in Hindi in Python 3?

Answer: Yes, Python supports Unicode text, hence one can use multiple languages including Hindi.

Question: What is a token?

Answer: Smallest individual unit in a program is known as a token. It can be:
1. Keywords
2. Identifiers
3. Literals
4. Operators
5. Punctuators

Question: What are keywords in Python?

Answer: Reserve word of the compiler/interpreter which can’t be used as an identifier.
e.g. and, exec, class, True, import, while...

Question: What is an identifier?

Answer: A Python identifier is a name used to identify a variable, function, class, module or other objects.

Question: Are 'Rollnumber' and 'rollnumber' same identifier?

Answer: No, these are different identifiers. Python is cases sensitive.

Question: What are literals in Python?

Answer: Literals in Python can be defined as number, text, or other data that represent values to be stored in variables. They are also called constant values.

Question: What are the different types of literals in Python?

Answer: Different types of literals in Python are:
    1.  String Literals
    2. Numeric Literals
    3. Boolean Literals
    4. Special Literal None
    5. Literal Collections

Question: Give examples of string literals?

Answer:  A string literal is a sequence of characters surrounded by quotes (single, double or triple quotes)
   fname = "Ramesh"
   lastname = 'Sinha'
In the above example "Ramesh" is the string literal, 'fname' is the variable and '=' is the assignment operator.
In Python, one can form string literals by enclosing the text in single quotes or double-quotes.

Question:  Is Python a case sensitive language?

Answer: Yes, Python is case sensitive as it treats upper and lower-case characters differently.

Question: What do you mean by escape sequence?

Answer: An escape sequence represents a single character and hence consumes one byte in ASCII representation.

Question: What is the output of print("Pythoo\bn" )

Answer: Python
Escape character '\b' will act as a backspace key and erases extra 'o'.

Question: What is the output of print("Hello\nWorld" )

The escape character '\n' will move the cursor to a new line.

Question: How many types of Strings in Python?

Answer: Python allows two string types-
(i) Single-line Strings
(ii) Multiline Strings

Question: How you define the multiple-line string in Python?

Answer. A multiple string defines in triple-quote or triple-apostrophe.

Question: What is Function?

Answer: A function is a named code that can be reused with a program.

Question: Name the function used to find the size of the string. Write its syntax.

Answer: len( ) function is use to find the size/length of an object.
Syntax is: len(<objecy name>)

Question: What is the output of the following python script
stud_name = "Johnny"

Answer: 6

Question: What do you mean by a comment in Python?

Answer: Comment is non-executable, additional information added in a program for readability.

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