Thursday 17 May 2012

Class 9 - Economics - CH1 - The Story of Village Palampur #class9-economics #eduvictors

The Story of Village Palampur (Class 9 Economics) - Q & A 

MCQs, NCERT Solution and Questions with answers asked in Examination papers

Concept Map

Q1: Which one of the following inputs is not a working capital?
(a) Machines
(b) Raw-materials
(c) Money
(d) None of these

Answer: (a) Machines

Q2: Which one of the following states was among the first to try out modern farming methods in India?
(a) Jharkhand
(b) Haryana
(c) Bihar
(d) Orissa

Answer: (b) Haryana

Q3: Which of the following is a fixed capital?
(a) Clay
(b) Yarn
(c) Tools
(d) Seeds

Answer: (c) Tools

Q4: Which of the following is an example of working capital?
(a) Tools
(b) Machines
(c) Raw Materials
(d) Buildings

Answer:  (c) Raw Materials

Q5: Which is the most abundant factor of production in India?
(a) Land
(b) Capital
(c) Labour
(d) Tools

Answer: (c) Labour

Q6: Multiple Cropping refers to:
(a) Cultivation of wheat and rice
(b) Cultivation of two crops in alternative rows.
(c) Cultivating more than one crop on the same field each year.
(d) Cultivating crops and rearing animals on the same farm.

Answer: (c) Cultivating more than one crop on the same field each year.

Q7: High-yielding variety seeds (HYV) were introduced to Indian farmers as a result of
(a) White Revolution
(b) Green Revolution
(c) Orange Revolution
(d) Red Revolution

Answer: (b) Green Revolution

Q8: Jowar and Bajra are:
(a) Kharif crops
(b) Rabi crops
(c) Zaid crops
(d) All of these

Answer: (a) Kharif crops

Q9: Why do the farmers of Palampur follow multiple cropping? Choose the correct answer.
(a) Because the water consumption is less in this method
(b) Because this method consumes less chemical fertilisers
(c) Because this method doesn't require fertile soils
(d) Because this method is the most common way of increasing production

Answer: (d) Because this method is the most common way of increasing production

Q10: Which one among the following is a non-farm activity?
(a) Multiple cropping
(b) Crop rotation
(c) Dairy farming
(d) Modern farming

Answer: (c) Dairy farming

Q11(NCERT): Every village in India is surveyed once is ten years during the Census and some of the details are presented in the following format. Fill up the following based on information on Palampur.

a. LOCATION: near Raiganj Village and Shapur town.
b. TOTAL AREA OF THE VILLAGE: 226 hectares
c. LAND USE (in hectares): 226 hectares

Cultivated Land                      Land not available for cultivation
(Area covering dwellings, roads, ponds, grazing ground)
Irrigated Unirrigated
 200 Hectares  0 Hectares  26 Hectares

EducationalOne High School and Two Primary Schools
MedicalOne Government run Primary Health Center
One Private Dispensary
MarketA small market
Electricity SupplyMost of the houses have electric connections.
CommunicationPost, Television, Telephone and Transport facilities
Nearest TownShapur

Q12: What is the main production activity in villages across India?
Answer: Farming

Q13: Name any two non-farming activities in Palampur village.
Answer: Small-scale manufacturing, dairy, transport etc.

Q14: Modern farming methods require more inputs which are manufactured in industry. Do you agree?

Answer: No doubt, modern farming requires more inputs than traditional farming. These are:
  • chemical fertilizers,
  • pesticides,
  • pump sets,
  • farm machinery,
  • electricity,
  • diesel,
  • HYV seeds,
  • water supply
Most of these inputs like fertilizers, tools and implements are manufactured in industry. HYV seeds are developed in agriculture research laboratories. The machine industry provides various kinds of implements, irrigation pumps and farming machinery to improve productivity and minimize farming efforts. Chemical and soil engineering-based industries provide fertilizers and pesticides to boost agriculture. Water supply is done by canals and tanks. Electricity is supplied by powerhouses.

Q15: What is the aim of production?
Answer: The aim of production is to produce the goods and services that we want.

Q16: Name the four factors that are needed for producing goods and services. (1 mark)
  • Land
  • Labour
  • Capital
  • Knowledge and Enterprise
Q17: Who owns the majority of land in Palampur village?
Answer: 80 upper caste families own the majority of land in Palampur village.

Q18: What health facilities are available in Palampur village?
Answer: Palampur has a primary health centre run by the government. It also has one private dispensary.

Q19: What is the main aim of production?
Answer: The main aim of production is to produce goods and services required by the people.

Q20: Which of the following is the standard unit of measuring land?
(a) bigha
(b) guintha
(c) hectare
(d) quila

Answer:  (c) hectare

Q21: How did the spread of electricity help farmers in Palampur?

Answer: The spread of electricity has helped the farmers of Palampur village in the following manner:
  1. Electricity came early to Palampur. Its major impact was to transform the system of irrigation.A larger area can be irrigated with the help of tube wells.
  2. Most of the houses have electrical connections.
  3. Electricity is also in small business units.

Q22: Is it important to increase the area under irrigation? Why?

Answer: Yes it is very important to increase the area under irrigation in order to meet the demand of the growing population of our country.
  • Of the total cultivated area in the country a little less than 40 per cent is irrigated even today. 
  • In the remaining areas, farming is largely dependent on rainfall. 
  • Modern farming methods though effective have their own limitations and require an adequate water supply. 
Thus in order to be self-sufficient in food, it is necessary to increase the area of irrigation.

Q23: What are the essential four requirements for production?  (3-5 marks)
Q(CBSE): Explain the four requirements of the production of goods & services.

Answer: Four essential requirements for the production of goods and services are:
  1. Land and other natural resources i.e. water, forests, minerals etc.
  2. Labour,: People who do the work. A worker provides the labour necessary for production.
  3. Physical Capital: a variety of inputs required at different stages of production.
  4. Knowledge and Enterprise: Knowledge and enterprise to be able to put together land, labour and physical capital and produce an output.
Q24: Who are small farmers?

Answer: Farmers who own less than 2 hectares of land are regarded as small farmers.

Q25: Who are medium farmers?

Answer: Farmers who own more than 2 hectares but less than 10 hectares of land.

Q26: Who are large farmers?

Answer: Farmers who own more than 10 hectares of land.

Q27: What do medium and large farmers do with their earnings from the surplus farm produce?

Answer: Medium and large farmers sell the surplus produce to market and have good earnings.  A part of the earnings from surplus farm produce is saved and kept for buying capital for the next season. They use their earnings to buy tractors or set up shops.  A part of the earnings is used in lending to small farmers who need loans.

Q28: What do you mean by multiple cropping?

Answer: Growing more than one crop on a piece of land during the year is known as multiple cropping. It is the most common and traditional practice to increase production on a given piece of land. All farmers in Palampur grow at least two main crops, Jowar & Bajra and Wheat. Many others have grown potato as the third crop for the past twenty years.

Q29: Name the states who benefited the most from Green Revolution.

Answer: Haryana, Punjab, Western Uttar Pradesh.

Q30: List the non-farming activities in Palampur.

  • Dairy
  • Small scale manufacturing
  • Shop-keeping
  • Transport

Q31: Who are small farmers?

Answer: Farmers who own less than 2 hectares of land are categorized as small farmers.

Q32: Who are medium farmers?

Answer: Farmers owning more than 2 hectares but less than 10 hectares.

Q33: Who are large farmers?

Answer: Farmers owning more than 10 hectares of land.

Q34: Why do the farm labourers earn less than the minimum wages in Palampur?

Answer: The minimum wage for a farm labourer set by the government is Rs 60 per day. But the farm labourers earn less than this amount because there is heavy competition for work among the
farm labourers in Palampur. So, people agree to work for lower wages.


  1. I want Class 9 History Ch-2 And Civics Ch-1 To Ch-3.....Thanks for the information.........

  2. Thank you so much... it helped me to understand how to write the answers..and to understand the chapter... :)

  3. meaning of working and fixed capital

    1. fixed capital means:tools, machines,buildings that can be used for many years.
      working capital means:tools,machine,buildings,raw materials and money that are used up in production.

    2. fixed capital means:tools, machines,buildings that can be used for many years.
      working capital means:tools,machine,buildings,raw materials and money that are used up in production.

  4. Fixed capital- tools, machines, buildings etc that can be usedyear after year.
    Working capital- raw material and money in hand that are used up for production.

  5. difference between multiple cropping and modern farming methods?? answer fast

  6. Multiple cropping is growing more than one crop in a year on the same field.
    Modern farming is using hyv seeds, chemical fertilisers, pesticides etc to increase yield of the same grain on a crop.

  7. Helped me a lot for my weekly test, had a good revision and i was able to answer most of the questions !!!! THUMBS UP

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. a good one... it makes question from inside of the chapter which helps me to answer many questions in the board exams...

  10. Really good. Helped me alot :)

  11. what is the basic constrain in raising farm production plzz help yarr

  12. best book is KUNDRA & BAWA all answers there with ncert solutions

  13. Some things is helpfull..

  14. Thanks for your help.very useful

  15. i have a few questions based on palampur:
    1- what are the weather conditions of palampur?
    2- what're the weather conditions of palampur?
    3-the quality of soil and nutrients present in the soil in palampur?
    4-what variety of animals can be reared in palampur?
    5- what type of crop should be grown and why?
    6-what cropping pattern should be followed and why?
    7-what kind of irrigation practises to be followed and why?
    8-how to manage the nutrient content of the soil?
    9-what kind of animal husbandary to be followed and why?

    1. It's an imaginary village so we can't say anything

    2. Thanx for the help.... Am damm sure I'll get good marks in eco exams... Again thanx a lot.....

    3. It is hypothetical village means it is a imaginary village

  16. Thanks for the information.........

  17. The questions are nice and are always helping me prepare for the exams.

  18. From where do the small farmers get capital needed for farming? How does it affect the farmers?

  19. From where do the small farmers get capital needed for farming? How does it affect the farmers?

  20. From where do the small farmers get capital needed for farming? How does it affect the farmers?

  21. By selling the surplus they produce n by doing non farming activities.

  22. Really good yar helped me a lot.

  23. Really good yar helped me a lot.

  24. νεrγ gooδ βοοκ τΗαΝκs αlοατ

  25. Family is the main production production ?
    Fill ups
    Plz reply fast

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. How many schools and hospitals are there in Palampur village?

    1. Two primary schools and one high school and there is a primary health care centre run by government and one private dispensary.

  28. Schools:- There are two primary schools and one high school.

    Hospitals:- There is a primary health care centre run by the government and a private dispensary where the sick are treated.

  29. in question it is 60 families not 80


  31. What is the main activities of village palampur?

  32. very good question and answers that helped me a lot in the final exams

  33. It is very helpful to me . Thank you

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Thanx for question and answer it helpehelpe me for the test

  36. Thanx for question and answer it helpehelpe me for the test

  37. Today is my exam .... You helped me a lot !!! Thank you😊

  38. It's really helpful
    Thank you 🤗🤗

  39. I know all answers 👌👌👌👌😏😏😏

  40. It helped me much for the preparation of exams. Thanks a million .

  41. Man this was very helpful
    Keep it up

  42. Minimum wage of a labourer is 300 rupees but in 34th question it is given that minimum wage of a labourer is 60 and due to heavy comoetition they got 160 rupees

  43. This question answers are really helpful for me 🤗🤗👍👍

  44. Where do most of the small farmers borrow money to arrange for the capital in Palampur?

  45. It was really very easy..but It helps me in my exam alot

  46. Production activities require only highly educated workers to perform the tasks". THIS STATEMENT IS TRUE OR FALSE.


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