Thursday 28 September 2017

English Vocabulary - Single Word Substitutions (#cbseNotes)

English Vocabulary - Single Word Substitutions

English Vocabulary - Single Word Substitutions (#cbseNotes)

1. Shy, timid, unwilling to face a situation

2. One who gives direction from behind the scene on a stage

3. One who gets pleasure in others trouble and pain

4. The tendency to postpone things for future

5. Something very brightly colourful

6. A plan for or the route to be followed on a journey

7. Animals that live in water

8. A place where a monk lives

9. Not planned ahead of time

10. One who is interested in the welfare of other people

1. Diffident
2. Prompter
3. Sadistic
4. Procrastination
5. Flamboyant
6. Itinerary
7. Aquatic
8. Monastery
9. Impromptu
10. Altruist

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