Tuesday 10 November 2020

CBSE Class 11 - Physical Education - Chapter - Physical Activity and Leadership Training (Questions and Answers)(#class11PhysicalEducation)(#cbse2020)(#eduvictors)

Chapter - Physical Activity and Leadership Training (Questions and Answers)

CBSE Class 11 - Physical Education 

CBSE Class 11 - Physical Education - Chapter - Physical Activity and Leadership Training (Questions and Answers)(#class11PhysicalEducation)(#cbse2020)(#eduvictors)

Q1: What do you mean by physical activity?

Answer: Physical activity simply means body movements that utilize energy.

Q2: What are the four types of physical activities?

Answer: The four main types of physical activities are:
1. Aerobic
2. Muscle – strengthening
3. Bone – strengthening
4. Stretching

Q3: Give examples of aerobic activities?

Answer: Aerobic activities benefit heart and lungs the most. Examples are:

⑴ Running
⑵ Swimming
⑶ Jumping
⑷ Bicycling
⑸ Walking
⑹ Dancing

Q4: How does muscle strengthening activities benefit to body? Give examples of such activities.

Answer: Muscle strengthening activities improve the strength, power and endurance of muscles. Examples of such activities are:

⑴ Doing push-ups, sit-ups/squats
⑵ Lifting weights
⑶ Climbing stairs
⑷ Hill walking
⑸ Cycling
⑹ Dancing

Q5: What are the benefits of stretching?

Answer: Stretching helps in improving flexibility of the body. It also improves the ability to move joints fully.

Q6: Give examples of stretching related activities.

⑴ Yoga
⑵ Side stretching
⑶ Touching toes
⑷ Shoulder rolls

Q7: Give examples of bone strengthening activities.

Answer: Bone strengthening activities make our bones strong. Examples of such activities are:
⑴ Running
⑵ Walking
⑶ Lifting weights
⑷ Jumping ropes

Q8: What are adventure activities?

Answer: Adventurous activities maybe with some potential for physical dangers and give a lot of thrill to perform adventure activities one must perform with fully safety and should use standardized equipment.

Q9: Define leadership.

Answer: Leadership can be described as the ability of an individual to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of an organiszation or a group of which they are members.

According to R.M. Snodgill- ‘Leadership is a process of influencing the activities of an organized group for any goal achievement.

According to P.M. Joseph- ‘Leadership is the quality which enables the person to take initiative and guide others in performing some required task.

CBSE Class 11 - Physical Education - Chapter - Physical Activity and Leadership Training (Questions and Answers)(#class11PhysicalEducation)(#cbse2020)(#eduvictors)

Q10: Define leader.

Answer: The dictionary meaning of word “leader” is one who directs others. A person who can bring about change, therefore, is one who has the ability
to be a leader. 

Leader is a person or thing that holds a dominant or superior position within its field, and is able to exercise a high degree of control or influence over others. 

A good leader raises the group to new heights and it helps the society.

Q11: List the qualities of a good leader.

1. Awareness — As the leader of a team awareness is a key. A leader should be aware of different scenarios.

2. Passionate – The leader should be passionless enough to motivate other players.

3. Energetic

4. Friendliness and affection

5. Decisiveness

6. Technically skilled

7. Intelligent

8. Teaching skill

9. Creative

10. Interest in Research

11. Example for others 

12. Impartial

Q12: What the three basic things that a good leadership requires?

Answer: Good leadership requires three basic things 
(i) Good leader 
(ii) Good followers 
(iii) Common purpose.

Q13: What are the different types of leaders?

Answer: Types of leaders are:
⑴ Professional leader
⑵ Democratic leader

⑴ Professional leader
Professional leader is that who earns the quality of leadership by becoming a teacher, officer, administrator or manager etc.

⑵ Democratic leader
It is of two types 
(i) Mature leader- is like a political leader. 
(ii) Amateur leader-These are leaders with voluntary service like student leader, game leader, captain, group leader, academic leader, cultural leader and stage leader, etc.

Q14: What is the role of a leader in Sports?

1. Organiser—A good leader in sports is a good organiser in organizing different sports events.

2. Motivator—A leader in sports understands his students and their mental needs. So, he plays the role of a good motivator.

3. Guardian—A good leader plays the role of guardian. A good leader understands the personal problem of an athlete and provides solution for the problems.

4. Teacher—A good leader in sports performs the role of a teacher by helping participants in developing teaching techniques, educate them and improve their range of styles.

5. Psychologist—A good leader plays the role of a psychologist. He knows the mental skills and toughness of their players.

6. Role model—As leader, you should be able to set a role model

Q15: How does physical education helps in creating leaders?

Answer: Physical education programmes are planned with the aim of all round development of individual with special focus on leadership qualities. The teacher shall consider every child to be a potential leader. Once the opportunity is provided it is suggested that up to primary level the leader should be on rotation basis for a short duration. After the selection of a leader or a captain, he or she must be taken into confidence. Leader should be explained in details about his duties, responsibilities and authorities. Some kind of recognition which motivates a leader should be provided like colour badges etc.

To create leaders following approach is used:
1. Give various responsibilities of an event
2. Provide leadership training
3. Provide regular opportunity to improve
4. Recognize their achievement by facilitating them at different forms.
5. Have faith and confidence in your students if they they are defaulter.


  1. These type of questions is very simple and helpful to understand students.

  2. These type of questions is very simple and helpful for understand students.


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