Friday 1 September 2017




1. What are gustatory and olfactory receptors?

2. Draw a diagram of neuron and neuro muscular function.

3. What is synapse?

4. What is reflex arc?

5. Draw a diagram to show reflex arc

6. What does CNS comprise of? Write its function.

7. What is peripheral nervous system? Write its functions.

8. Name the three parts and regions of brain.

9. Why forebrain is main thinking part of brain?

10. How sensation of feeling full stomach is felt?

11. Draw a diagram of brain and label its different parts.

12. How are involuntary actions controlled?

13. Write the functions of cerebellum.

14. What makes the muscles change their shapes while movements?

15. How do leaves of touch me not mimosa pudica respond when we touch it? What is this movement called?

16. How does pea plant show it movement?

17. Study the captions of Fig. 7.5 & 7.6 in NCERT Science book.

18. What are phototropic movements?

19. What is geotropism? Give an example.

20. What is hydrotropism? Give an example.

21. Write the functions of auxin in detection of light.

22. Write the functions of gibberellins, cytokinins, and abscsic acid.

23. Where is adrenal gland located? Where it pours its secretion? What is its target organ and where it works?

24. Study the location of various endocrine glands in fig. 7.7. (NCERT Science Book)

25. Why it is important to have iodised salt.

26. What is dwarfism and gigantism? How it occurs?

27. Name the hormone responsible for puberty in male and female.

28. How the levels of organ rise in the body? Name the hormone responsible for it.

29. Name the part of the brain in which hypothalamus is located.

30. Arrange the following sequences on the basis of their location from midbrain:
Spinal cords, pons, medulla

31. Ranveer rides a bicycle maintaining posture and body equilibrium. Identify the part of the brain which controls this activity.

32. Which part of brain is responsible for precision of voluntary actions?

33. What is the impact of nervous electrical impulse upon muscle proteins?34. Which part of brain is concerned with memory?

35. Why is salvation considered to be involuntary action?

36. How is brain protected from shock and injuries/

37. Name the most important organ related to control and coordinate our activities.

38. Define reflex action.

39. Name the neuron that links motor and sensory neurons.

40. Write the components of peripheral nervous system.

41. Write the name of the thinking part of the brain.

42. Which two organs receive the information from all body parts and integrate it?

43. Name the two plant hormones that help in stem growth.

44. How our growth is associated with thyroxin?

45. Where the adrenal gland in the body is is located?

46. Which nutrient of foods associated with muscular action?

47. Movement of which chemical compound help plants in changing shape?

48. Which part of brain would you associate with smell of delicious food?

49. Which organ secretes a hormone when blood sugar rises? Name one digestive enzyme released by this organ.

50. Deficiency of a particular hormone in childhood leads to dwarfism. Name the hormone and its source gland.

51. How do endocrine glands help in maintaining feedback control?

52. Why endocrine glands are called ductless glands? How do they send hormones to the target hormones?

53. You have touched a hot object; represent diagrammatically the path that leads to a response that is, quickly pulling back the hand.

54. How does nervous tissue cause action/

55. Compare electrical impulse with respect to chemical impulse.

56. What is the affect of adrenaline in our body?

57. How does chemical coordination take place in animals? Draw diagram also.

58. Differentiate between:
a) Nastic/tropic movement
b) Sensory/motor nerve
c) Phototropism/geotropism
d) Electrical impulse/chemical impulse
e) Sneezing /walking

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