Wednesday 13 March 2013

CBSE Class 9 - SA-2 Sanskrit (संस्कृत) Sample Question Paper- 2012-13

Class 9 -संस्कृत Sample Paper (SA2) - 2012-13

Here follows a SA-2 संस्कृत Sample Question Paper (Solved) by CBSE

See also The Fox and The Crow Story(लोमश: एवं काक:)

You may download the same from this link.


  1. Hi, I have been visiting sample question papers for class 9. your blog will be very useful for me. Can you please provide sample papers for maths through this blog.....

  2. please upload some more sanskrit papers with solutions its vey useful

  3. upload more for class 9 and 10 sanskrit it will be very useful


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