Saturday 18 July 2015

CBSE Class 6 Science - CH 16 - Garbage In Garbage Out (MCQs)

Garbage In Garbage Out 

MCQs based on NCERT Chapter 

CBSE Class 6 Science - CH 16 - Garbage In Garbage Out (MCQs)
If we keep generating more garbage, we'll turn our city into slums
Dharavi Slum (Asia's the largest slum colony)
photo by: Meena Kadri

Q1: A low lying open area used to store city garbage is called ________.

(a) Garbage House
(b) Trash Bin
(c) Landfill
(d) Pond

Q2: Which one of the following is a good source for making compost?

(a) aluminium foil
(b) polythene
(c) vegetable peels
(d) plastic toy

Q3: The rotting and conversion of some materials into manure is called __________.

(a) logging
(b) composting
(c) scraping
(d) recyling

Q4: Green garbage bin is used for collecting which of the following item?

(a) kitchen waste
(b) plant wastes
(c) animal wastes
(d) all of these

Q5: The method of preparing compost with the help of redworms is called ____________.

(a) vermicomposting
(b) composting
(c) recycling
(d) landfilling

Q6: Redworms grind their food with the help of _______

(a) teeth
(b) gizzard
(c) stomach
(d) tentacles

Q7: Which of the following should be thrown in Blue garbage bin?

(a) vegetable peels
(b) bread leftovers
(c) broken glass bottle
(d) banana skin

Q8: Why hot food items should not be packed in polythene bags?

(a) polythene cools down the hot food.
(b) polythene reacts with hot food and produces cancer causing toxic products.
(c) polythene bag may leak due to hot food.
(d) all of these

Q9: _________ is a place where earthworm is reared in plant nursery premises.

(a) landfill
(b) compost pit
(c) garbage bin
(d) solid waste

Q10: Which one of the following cannot be recycled?

(a) paper
(b) clothes
(c) rubber tyre
(d) leaves

1. (c) Landfill
2. (c) vegetable peels
3. (b) composting
4. (d) all of these
5. (a) vermicomposting
6. (b) gizzard
7. (c) broken glass bottle
8. (b) polythene reacts with hot food and produces cancer causing toxic products.
9. (b) compost pit
10. (d) leaves


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