Saturday 18 July 2015

CBSE Class 6 - Science - CH 7 - Getting To Know Plants (Worksheet)

Getting To Know Plants (Worksheet)

CBSE Class 6 - Science - CH 7 - Getting To Know Plants (Worksheet)
World's Largest Flower. Do you know its name? See Answer below.
Image credits: wikimedia

Assignment based on NCERT Chapter for Class 6

Q1: Answer the following in one word or one sentence each:

(a) We often see in our homes or in neighbourhood some plants that have long but weak stems and crawl on ground. What are these plants called? Give an example of such a plant.


(b) Some plants grow in our neighbourhood have medicinal properties. What do we call such plants? Give an example of such plant.


(c) Meena tries to pull out a bunch of grass and a rose plant from a soil in her garden. Which plan she is able to pull out easily? Why?


(d) Name the plant which produces the largest flower? What is the diameter of the flower?


(e) Mridula learned that green plants prepare their own food by photosynthesis. What are the raw materials required by the plant for photosynthesis?


(f) Sahil visits her aunt's house. There he sees an ornamental plant in a pot. The plan take support on neighbouring structures to climb up. What do we call such plants? Can you give an example of such plant?


(g) Leaves of Lily plant have parallel arrangement of veins whereas rose plants have reticulate arrangement of veins. Can you identify the types of roots system in both the plants?


Q2: Give technical terms for the following:

(a) The part of a leaf by which it is attached to the stem                        ______________

(b) Small leaf like structure that protect flower in bud stage.                 ______________

(c) Plants with weak stem that cannot stand upright but spread             ______________
      on the ground

(d) Part of the plan which anchors the plant to the soil.                          ______________

(e) Arrangement of veins on lamina or leaf blade.                                  ______________

(f) Process to give out water vapours by the leaves                                ____________

1 (a). Creepers, e.g. Watermelon
1 (b). Herbal plants e.g. Holy Basil (Tulsi)
1 (c). Grass (herb) will be plucked easily. While Rose is shrub having deeper roots comparatively.
1 (d). Rafflesia. 1 metre
1 (e). Carbon dioxide, water, minerals and sunlight.
1 (f). Climbers eg bittergourd (karela), Money Plant.
1 (g) Lily: Fibrous roots and Rose: Tap Root
2 (a) Petiole
2 (b) Sepal
2 (c) Creepers
2 (d) Root
2 (e) Venation
2 (f) Transpiration

1 comment:

  1. cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll


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