Saturday 6 October 2018

Class 12 - Physics - ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND OPTICS - About Electromagnetic Spectrum? (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)


About Electromagnetic Spectrum 

Class 12 - Physics - ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND OPTICS - About Electromagnetic Spectrum?  (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)
Electromagnetic Spectrum
credits: wikimedia, author: penbaug 

Name Wavelength range Production Uses
Gamma Rays 10⁻ⁱ²m Gamma rays produced in the radioactive decay of the nucleus In the treatment of cancer and to carry out nuclear reactions.
X-Rays 10⁻⁹m - 10⁻ⁱ²m x-rays tubes or inner shell electrons Used as a diagnostic tool in medical to find out fractures in bones. to find cracks, flaws in the metal part of a machine
UV Rays 4×10⁻⁷m - 10⁻⁹m By very hot bodies like the sun and by UV lamps. In water purifier
in the detection of forged documents, in food preservation.
Visible Light 7×10⁻⁷m - 4×10⁻⁷m by accelerated tiny (electrons) charge particles. to see every thing around us.
Infra Red Rays (IR) 10⁻³m - 7×10⁻⁷m due to vibration of atoms in green houses to keep the plant warm. to reveal secret writings on walls in photography. during fog and smoke
Microwaves 10⁻ⁱm - 10⁻³m produced in klystron Valve and magnetron Valve in microwave ovens, in RADAR
Radio waves > 0.1m by accelerated charged particles, in electrical circuits as RF transmitter in radio telecommunication system in radio astrology

See also:
Ch 1: Electric Charge and Fields (VSQA)
Electrostatics - Important Theory Questions 
Ch 2: Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance (Short Q and A)
Ch 3: Current Electricity - (NCERT Solutions)
Ch 3: Current Electricity - Important Theory Questions
Ch 4: Moving Charges and Magnetism (VSQA)

Chapter - Magnetic Effect Of Current (Theoretical Questions)
Ch: Electromagnetic Induction (EMI) (Important Theory Questions)
Chapter - Electromagnetic Waves (Important Theory Questions)

Ch9 - Ray Optics (Important Theory Questions)
Ch 9 - Ray Optics and Optical Instruments (VSQA)
Light - Reflection From Mirrors (Worksheet)
Ch: Wave Optics (Important Theory Questions)

Ch - Electronic Devices (Revision Sheet)
Ch - Atoms and Nuclei - Cathode Rays and Properties

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