Cell: Fundamental Unit Of Life -
Very Short Answers Based Questions (Set-1)
Class 9 Biology
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Cell Types: Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes Image credits: Wikimedia |
2. Amoeba is a _______________ organism.
3. Who gave the fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane?
4. Movement of solvent into the cell is called as_____________ .
5. Which cell organelle is called as the ‘Head quarter of cell’?
6. Which cell organelle is called as ‘Power house of cell’ ?
7. Which cell organelle contains enzymes for ATP production ?
8. In mitochondria, which portion contains specific proteins?
9. Which cell organelle is called as ‘Digestive bag’?
10. Which organelle controls osomostic pressure in a cell?
11. Plastids having coloured pigments are called as _____________ .
12. Name the cell organelle which is generally small sized in animal cells and large sized in plant cells?
13. List any two single celled (unicellular) eukaryotes.
14. Name the plastid which gives red colour to tomato and purple colour to brinjal.
15. Who discovered cell?
16. Who discovered first living cell?
17. What is the primary function of leucoplasts?
18. Expand ATP. Where it is produced?
19. Name the process through which amoeba acquires its food from the external environment.
20. Name the cell organelle which is known as the power house of the cell.
☛See also:
Ch 5 - Fundamental Unit of Life (Q & A)
Ch5 - Fundamental Unit of Life (MCQs)
Ch5 - Fundamental Unit Of Life (Question Bank)
Ch5 - Fundamental Unit Of Life - Quiz On Cell Organelles
Ch 5 - Interactive Cell - Play to learn about cell organelles
Ch5 - Fundamental Unit of Life (Worksheet)
Ch5 - 7 Points About Plasmolysis