Tuesday 23 April 2019

Class 8 - Science - Chapter - Coal and Petroleum - Very Short Questions and Answers (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

 Class 8 - Science

Coal and Petroleum

Very Short Questions and Answers

Class 8 - Science - Chapter - Coal and Petroleum - Very Short Questions and Answers (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

Q1: Name two each of the exhaustible and inexhaustible natural resources.

Ans: Petroleum and Coal

Q2: Write the name of two natural resources other than coal and petroleum.

Ans: Air, Forests, and Water

Q3: Why are air, water, and soil called natural resources?

Ans: Air, water, and soil are provided by nature, so they are called natural resources.

Q4: Why are coal, petroleum and natural gas called fossil fuels?

Ans: Coal, petroleum and natural gas are formed by fossils, so they are called fossil fuels.

Q5: What are fossil fuels?

Ans: Fossil fuels are the energy-rich components of carbon which were made by the decomposition of plants and animals buried under the earth, long-long ago.

Q6: Name the different varieties of coal found in nature.

Ans: Peat, Lignite, Bituminous coal, and Anthracite.

Q7: What is the main use of coke?

Ans: It is used in the extraction of metals.

Q8: What is coke?

Ans: The greyish-black residue left after the destructive distillation of coal is called coke.

Q9: What is coal gas? Name its constituents.

Ans: The gaseous product obtained by the destructive distillation of coal is called coal gas. The constituents of coal gas are hydrogen, methane and carbon monoxide.

Q10: Name the black residue left behind in the glass tube during destructive distillation of coal.

Ans: Coke

Q11: Which substance is used for road surfacing these days?

Ans: These days bitumen is used for road surfacing in place of coal tar.

Q12: Which variety of coal contains the maximum amount of carbon?

Ans: Anthracite

Q13: Name the substances obtained from the coal tar and used to repel moths and insects.

Ans: Naphthalene balls

Q14: What is the name of the process in which coal is heated in the absence of air?

Ans: The process is called destructive distillation of coal.

Q15: Name two fractions of petroleum which are used as a fuel.

Ans: Petroleum and Diesel

Q16: Why is coke seldom used as a fuel?

Ans: Coke is seldom used as fuel because coke is more valuable when used as a reducing agent in the production of metals from ore.

Q17: What are petrochemicals?

Ans: The useful substances formed from natural gas and petroleum are called petrochemicals.

Q18: Why is petroleum called black gold?

Ans: Due to great commercial importance, petroleum is called black gold.

Q19: Where does petroleum occur?

Ans: Petroleum occurs deep inside the earth.

Q20: Name any two constituents of petroleum which are not used as fuels.

Ans: Lubricating oil and Asphalt

Q21: Which is the natural gas?

Ans: The gaseous mixture of lower hydrocarbons which occurs deep inside the earth either alone or covering the crude oil in an oil-field is called natural gas.

Q22: Write the full name for CNG.

Ans: Compressed Natural Gas.

Q23: Why is CNG considered an eco-friendly fuel?

Ans: On burning, CNG does not produce any smoke and leaves no ash. Therefore, CNG is considered eco-friendly fuel.

Q24: What is the name of the process of separating the different constituents/fractions of petroleum?

Ans: It is called refining.

Q25: Which process converts dead vegetation into coal?

Ans: Carbonisation

Q26: What is used as fuel in heavy vehicles?

Ans: Diesel

Q27: Where in India in CNG found?

Ans: Tripura, Jaisalmer, Offshore of Mumbai and in Krishna Godavari Delta.

Q28: What is coal?

Ans: Coal is an exhaustible natural fossil full which is as hard as stone and is of black color.

Q29: What does coal mainly consist of?

Ans: Coal mainly consists of carbon.

Q30: Which constituents are separated from petroleum during the refining of petroleum?

Ans: Petroleum gas, petrol, diesel, lubricating oil, paraffin wax, etc.

☛See also:
Ch5 - Coal and Petroleum(Q & A)
Ch5 - Coal and Petroleum (MCQs) 
Ch5 - Coal and Petroleum (NCERT Exemplar Q & A)

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