Wednesday 1 May 2019

CBSE Class 10 - Maths - Chapter Polynomials - 1 Mark Questions (#cbsenotes)(#class10maths)(#eduvictors)

Chapter Polynomials - 1 Mark Questions
Class 10 - Maths

CBSE Class 10 - Maths - Chapter Polynomials - 1 Mark Questions (#cbsenotes)(#class10maths)(#eduvictors)

Q1: If α and β are the roots of ax² -bx + c (a ≠ 0), compute α + β?

Q2:  If one zero of the quadratic polynomial x² + 3x + k is 2, then the value of k is?

Q3:  Given that two of the zeroes of the cubic polynomial ax³ + bx² + cx + d are 0, find the third zero?

Q4: In the given figure for a given polynomial p(x), find the number of zeroes.

Q5: Find the zeroes of the polynomial p(x) = 4x² – 12x + 9.

Q6:  If one of the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial (k–1) x² + kx + 1 is  3, then find the value of k?

Q7: If we multiply/divide any polynomial by some arbitrary constant, will zeroes of the polynomial change?

Q8: How many polynomials are possible having zeroes as –2 and 5?

Q9:   Can x – 1 be the remainder on division of a polynomial p (x) by 2x + 3? Justify your answer

Q10: Can x² – 1 be the quotient on the division of x⁶ + 2x³ + x – 1 by a polynomial in x of degree 5?  Justify your answer.

Q11: Can the quadratic polynomial x² + kx + k have equal zeroes for some odd integer k > 1? Justify your answer.

Q12: If -1 is a zero of polynomial f(x) = x² -7x -8, then calculate the other zero.

Q13: If zeroes of the polynomial x² + 4x + 2a are α and, then find the value of a.

Q14: Find all the zeroes of f(x) = x² – 2x

Q15: Find the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial.

Q16: Find a quadratic polynomial, the sum, and product of whose zeroes are 6 and 9 respectively. Find the zeroes also.

☛See also:
CH 2: Polynomials (Study Points)
CH 2: Polynomials (NCERT Ex 2.1)
CH 2: Polynomials (NCERT Ex 2.2)
CH 2: Polynomials (Unit Test Paper 2019-20)  

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