Thursday 6 February 2020

CBSE Class 11 - Informatics Practices - Python Basics - Numpy Arrays (Part-1) - Question and Answers (#CBSEclass11Python)(#cbse)(#eduvictors)

Python Basics - Numpy Arrays 

(Part-1) - Question and Answers
CBSE Class 11 - Informatics Practices

CBSE Class 11 - Informatics Practices - Python Basics - Numpy Arrays (Part-1) - Question and Answers (#CBSEclass11Python)(#cbse)(#eduvictors)

Q1: What is NumPy?

1. NumPy stands for Numerical Python.

2. It is the core library for scientific computing in Python.

3. A NumPy array (also called ndarray) is a homogeneous multidimensional array of data objects.

4. A NumPy array is a table of elements (usually numbers), all of the same type, indexed by a tuple of positive integers.

5. Numpy module provides a set of methods and tools for working with these arrays.

6. In Numpy dimensions are called axes. The number of axes is rank.

Q2: What is the command line option to install NumPy module?

Answer: Run the following command at the command prompt. 
pip install numpy

Q3: What is one dimensional (1D) array?

Answer: A one-dimensional array or 1D array is a named group of a contiguous set of elements having the same data type. 1D arrays are also called vectors.

1D Array - CBSE Class 11 - Informatics Practices - Python Basics - Numpy Arrays (Part-1) - Question and Answers (#CBSEclass11Python)(#cbse)(#eduvictors)

Q4: What is a multi-dimensional array?

Answer: A multidimensional array is an array of arrays. Multi-dimensional arrays are also known as matrices. For example, a two-dimensional array (2D array) has two axes i.e. rows and columns.

2D Arrays CBSE Class 11 - Informatics Practices - Python Basics - Numpy Arrays (Part-1) - Question and Answers (#CBSEclass11Python)(#cbse)(#eduvictors)

Q5: Write the differences between NumPy array and a list.

NumPy Array List
Works on homogenous data types i.e. all data types of the same kind. Works on heterogenous data types i.e. mixed data types.
Does not support adding or removing elements. Supports adding and removing elements.
Smaller memory consumption High memory consumption
Has better runtime Runtime not fast
Supports vectorized operations i.e. np + 2 will add 2 to each data member. Does not support vectorized operations e.g. list1 + 2 will throw an error.

Q6: What are the different ways to create NumPy arrays?

Answer: NumPy arrays can be created by different methods such as:

  1. Using Lists or Tuples

  2. Using numpy.array( ) function

  3. Using fromiter( ) function to create ndarray from non-numeric sequence.

  4. Using arange( ) function to create ndarray of evenly spaced values within a specified numeric range.

  5. Using special functions like empty( ), zeroes( ), ones( ), full( ) etc.

Q7: What are axes in Numpy arrays? How it is related to the rank of an array?

Answer: Numpy refers to dimensions as axes. In ndarrays, axes are always numbered 0 onwards. In NumPy, the number of dimensions is called the rank of an array. One can use ndarray.ndim property to get the number of dimensions.

e.g. a 1-dimensional  ndarray will have rank = 1
import numpy as np
'create 1D array'
np1 = np.array([1,2,3,4])
print('Rank is:', np1.ndim)

numpy rank - CBSE Class 11 - Informatics Practices - Python Basics - Numpy Arrays (Part-1) - Question and Answers (#CBSEclass11Python)(#cbse)(#eduvictors)

Q8: What is meant by the shape of ndarray?

Answer: The shape of a ndarray tells about the number of elements present in each axis (dimension) of it. For a matrix with n rows and m columns, shape will be (n,m).
e.g. as shown in the figure, the shape of a 1-Dimension array is (4,). Here 4 refers to the number of items in the first axis.

The shape of 2-D array is (2,3) i.e. it is a matrix of 2 rows and 3 columns each.

numpy shape - CBSE Class 11 - Informatics Practices - Python Basics - Numpy Arrays (Part-1) - Question and Answers (#CBSEclass11Python)(#cbse)(#eduvictors)

Q9: How can we find the size of a ndarray?

Answer: ndarray.size attribute returns the total number of elements of the array. This is equal to the product of the elements of shape.
e.g. A 2-dimensional array of 2 rows and 3 columns i.e. shape is (2,3), its size is 6 (=2 × 3)

ndarray size - CBSE Class 11 - Informatics Practices - Python Basics - Numpy Arrays (Part-1) - Question and Answers (#CBSEclass11Python)(#cbse)(#eduvictors)

Q10: What does ndarray.itemsize indicate?

Answer: It returns the length of each element of the array in bytes

Q11: Name the attribute used to determine the data type of the elements of a ndarray?

Answer: ndarray.dType

CBSE Class 11 - Informatics Practices - Python Basics - Numpy Arrays (Part-1) - Question and Answers (#CBSEclass11Python)(#cbse)(#eduvictors)

Q12: What is the shape of the following ndarrays (see figure)?

Find the shape of array - CBSE Class 11 - Informatics Practices - Python Basics - Numpy Arrays (Part-1) - Question and Answers (#CBSEclass11Python)(#cbse)(#eduvictors)

(a) (4, )
(b) (1, 3)
(c) (2, 4)

Q13: What are the kinds of data types (dType) supported by NumPy arrays?

Answer:  NumPy supports a  greater variety of data  types:

Integer Related: int_, int32 (32-bit signed), int64 (64-bit signed integer), int8 (Byte from -127 to 128), unint8 (unsigned 8-bit), unint16,  unint32 (unsigned 32-bit) etc.

Float Type: float_, float64, float32(Half precision float: sign bit, 5 bits exponent, 10 bits mantissa), float 64

Complex Numbers: complex_, complex64, complex128

Boolean Type: bool

Other: string_, unicode_

Q14: Create a one-dimensional array having
(a) 5 integers 
(b) 4 floating numbers
(c) 3 boolean values
(d) 5 8-bit integers


import numpy as np 

np1 = np.array([1,2,3,4])
print('np1 dType:', np1.dtype)

np2 = np.array([2.1, 3.5, 5.6, 2.78])
print('np2 dType:', np2.dtype)

np3 = np.array([True, False, True])
print('np3 dType:', np3.dtype)

np4 = np.array([3, 5, 7], np.int8)
print('np4 dType:', np4.dtype)

CBSE Class 11 - Informatics Practices - Python Basics - Numpy Arrays (Part-1) - Question and Answers (#CBSEclass11Python)(#cbse)(#eduvictors)

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