All About Balanced Diet (Questions and Answers)
CBSE Class 12 - Physical Education - Chapter: Sports Nutrition

Image Credits: Loma Linda University Vegetarian Food Pyramid By Stephreyn85, Wikimedia Commons
Q1: Define balanced diet.
Answer: A diet which contains the proper amount of each nutrient, i.e. like carbohydrate, fat, protein etc is called Balanced Diet. A diet which consists of all the essential food constituents’ viz. protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water in correct proportion is called balanced diet.
In other words, a complete food, a diet contains adequate amounts of all the necessary nutrients required for proper growth & maintenance of body.
Q2: How balanced diet is important for individual body?
Answer: Balanced diet is that diet which consists of various constituents of food in accurate and appropriate quantity and quality according to the requirement of an individual and helps in growth and development of our body.
It is very important for individual body for the following reasons:
1. Energy Resource:
It gives sufficient energy to body to perform various physical activities and metabolism. For example iron-rich leafy vegetables provide a boost in energy because iron helps delivering more oxygen to working muscles and the brain.
2. Optimum growth and Development:
Balanced diet helps in achieving all round development of growth and development of an individual.
3. Proper function of Organs:
By help of balanced diet every organ functions work well and properly. A well-balanced diet provides important vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to keep the body and mind strong and healthy.
4. Faster Recovery:
It helps to repair and replace the worn out tissues thus faster recovery. Balanced diet increases the production of soldiers of the body (WBCs) to fight off diseases.
5. Strong immune system:
It gives better resistance power to body to make good immune system. Vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables repair the immune system.
6. Improves fitness level:
It improves over all health states and resulting in fitness of body by preventing diseases. Omega 3 fatty acids improve the ability to learn.
7. Improved Metabolism:
A balanced diet leads to efficient release of energy thus improves the metabolism of the body.
8. Prevents Deficiency Diseases:
It gives all necessary nutrients to body so deficiency diseases cannot take place.
9. Maintains body weight:
Healthy diet maintains constant supply of energy and limits the feeling of hunger in shorter time-frames. It helps individual to maintain proper body weight.
10. Sleep batter
A sound sleeps helps our body to renergise for the next day tasks. A balanced diet and a healthy exercise keeps good digestion and avoids conditions like indigestion, acidity etc, thus avoiding situation like sleepless night.
11. Overall efficiency improves:
It improves all physiological systems of body and more of efficiency level of individual. In this way balanced diet is useful for us.
Q3: What factors should be considered for making balanced diet?
Answer: Following are the factors that should be considered for making a balanced diet:
① Age:
Age plays great role in making diet for like in growing age a child need more protein but old aged people should avoid more proteins and fats but should take more minerals and vitamins.
② Gender:
Sex difference causes variation in diet more caloric requirement to male & less for female.
③ Profession:
Heavy physical activities work out needs more calories demand & less physical activities work out less calories demand.
④ Body weight:
Obese person need more fibrous food, while slim or lean needs more protein.
⑤ Specific Sports Diet:
Various sports need specific diet like long distance runner need more fat and carbohydrates, contact body games player need more protein, exposing strength player needs more carbohydrates.
⑥ Pregnancy or feeding mother:
Pregnant mother needs extra diet - carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals specially high protein diet is recommended for a pregnant woman.
⑦ Diet During Health Problems:
Injured person should take more protein and minerals. Patients should take diet full of mineral & vitamins.
⑧ Climate Conditions:
The effects the diet like in cold places food should be oily fried, while in coastal region the food should be more liquid.
⑨ Doctor’s Recommendation:
Diseased or sick person should take proper diet according to doctor recommendation. For example patient avoids fried food in jaundice. Often bland diet is recommended when a person is sick.
⑩ Eating habits and Social Customs:
Eating behaviour is strongly influenced by social context. They also effect the diet of individual. In some families on the day of festival selected fried food is compulsory for the whole family.
Q4: What are the pitfalls of dieting?
Answer: People use various techniques of weight loss such as taking diet pills, fasting, reducing calories consumption, exercise etc. There are some dangers pitfalls of dieting, a few are listed below:
a) Extreme reduction of calories
b) Restriction on some nutrients
c) Skipping meals
d) Intake of calories through drinking
e) Underestimating the calories
f) Intake of labelled foods
g) Not doing exercise regularly.
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