Showing posts with label class10-biology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label class10-biology. Show all posts

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

CBSE Class 10 - Biology - Control and CoOrdination (MCQs-2)(#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

Control and Coordination 

Class 10 Biology
CBSE Class 10 - Biology - Control and CoOrdination (MCQs-2)(#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

Q1: _________ is necessary to obtain energy from glucose and fatty acid. 
(a) Oxygen 
(b) Hydrogen 
(c) Water 
(d) Nitrogen 

Q2: The movement of the plant in response to the stimulus of light is called _________ movement. 
(a) geotropic 
(b) hydrotropic 
(c) phototropic 
(d) chemotropic 

Q3: In certain sensitive plants like Mimosa, movement is in response to the stimulus of ________ . 
(a) gravity 
(b) air 
(c) light 
(d) touch 

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

CBSE Class 10 - Biology - Life Processes - Worksheet (#cbsenotes)(#class10Biology)(#cbsenotes)

Class 10 - Biology 

Life Processes - Worksheet

CBSE Class 10 - Biology - Life Processes - Worksheet (#cbsenotes)(#class10Biology)(#cbsenotes)

Fill in the blanks

1. The organisms which synthesize their own organic food are called as ___________ .

2. __________ nutrition involves the intake of complex material prepared by other organisms

3. ____ are required for the synthesis of proteins.

4. ____ regulate the exchange of gases and loss of water vapour in plant.

Friday, 26 April 2019

CBSE Class 10 - Biology - Chapter: Life Processes - Assertion Reasoning Type Questions (#eduvictors)(#cbsenotes)

Class 10 - Biology Chapter: Life Processes Assertion Reasoning Type Questions 

CBSE Class 10 - Biology - Chapter: Life Processes - Assertion Reasoning Type Questions (#eduvictors)(#cbsenotes)

From session 2019-20 onwards, CBSE introduces a new pattern of questions which are assertion and reasoning based. 

The questions below consist of statements of an Assertion and a Reason. Use the following key to choose the appropriate answer:

(A) If both assertion and reason are CORRECT and the reason is the CORRECT explanation of the assertion.

(B) If both assertion and reason are CORRECT, but the reason is NOT THE CORRECT explanation of the assertion.

(C) If the assertion is CORRECT, but the reason is INCORRECT

(D) If the assertion is INCORRECT, but the reason is CORRECT

(E) If both assertion and reason are INCORRECT


1. ASSERTION: Molecular movements are needed for life.
REASON: Body structures made up of these molecules need continuous repair and maintenance.

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Class 10 - Biology - Life Processes - Nutrition in Human Beings - Very Short Answer based Questions (#class10Biology)(#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

Class 10 - Biology - Life Processes -  Nutrition in Human Beings 

Very Short Answer based Questions

Human Alimentary Canal
Image Credits:

Q1: What is the common name of the buccal cavity?

Answer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Q2: Name the enzyme present in saliva?

Answer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Q3: Which organ releases gastric juice?

Answer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Q4: Name the digestive juice(s) the small intestine receives.

Answer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Q5: Name the largest digestive gland.

Answer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Saturday, 9 March 2019

CBSE Class 10 - Science - Biology - 1 Mark Questions Asked in CBSE Examination Papers (Set-1)(#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

Class 10 - Science - Biology - 1 Mark Questions Asked in CBSE Examination Papers (Set-1)

CBSE Class 10 - Science - Biology - 1 Mark Questions Asked in CBSE Examination Papers (Set-1)(#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

Q1: Which tissue transports soluble products of photosynthesis?

Answer: Phloem.

Q2: What is emulsification?

Answer: Breakdown of fat globules in small intestine into tiny droplets, by bile juice so that lipase enzyme can digest.

Q3:  Mention the site of complete digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in humans.

Answer: Small intestine

Q4: Name a common nutrient that is absorbed in the small intestine and reabsorbed by the kidney tubules.

Answer: Glucose/Amino acids

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

CBSE Class 10 - Biology Quiz - Based on CBSE Class 10 Syllabus (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)(#biologyquiz)

Class 10 - Biology Quiz 

Based on CBSE Class 10 Syllabus

CBSE Class 10 - Biology Quiz - Based on CBSE Class 10 Syllabus (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)(#biologyquiz)

Quizzes and Worksheets help you learn important keywords and definitions. The following worksheet helps you quickly assess your biology knowledge.
Fill in the blanks:

1. ____ regulate the exchange of gases and the loss of water vapour from the leaves.

2. Iodine can be used to test the presence of____.

3. Respiration in the absence of oxygen by micro organisms is called _____.

4. In ATP, energy is stored in organic_____.

5. Respiration in Amoeba occurs by____.

6. __________ are the units of lungs.

7. ________ in human blood is the most efficient carrier of oxygen.

8. Doctors measure blood pressure with the instrument called ________.

9. The matrix of blood is ____.

10. Endocrine glands discharge their secretions into ____.

Monday, 26 November 2018

Class 10 - Science - Chapter 15: Our Environment (Study Points) (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

Our Environment 

(Study Points)
Class 10 - Science - Chapter 15: Our Environment (Study Points) (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

It is the sum total of all external conditions and influences that affect the life and development of an organism, i.e., the environment includes all the physical or abiotic and biological or biotic factors.

Biodegradable Substances: 
These are those substances which are broken down into simpler, harmless substances in nature with due course of time by the biological processes such as action of microorganisms like certain bacteria.
Eg. Domestic waste products, urine and faecal matter, sewage, agricultural residue, paper, wood,
cloth and cattle dung.

Non-biodegradable Substances:
Non-biodegradable Substances are those substances which cannot be broken down into simpler, harmless substances in nature. These substances may be in solid, liquid or gaseous form and may be inert and accumulate in the environment or may be concentrated in the food chain and harm the organisms.
Eg. DDT, plastics, polythene bags, insecticides, pesticides, mercury, lead, arsenic, aluminium, radioactive wastes, etc.

Friday, 23 November 2018

CBSE Class 10 - All Subjects Sample Question Papers (2018-19) (#cbsepapers)(#eduvictors)

CBSE Class 10 -
 Sample Question Papers (2018-19)

All Subjects

CBSE Class 10 - All Subjects Sample Question Papers (2018-19) (#cbsepapers)(#eduvictors)

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) conducts Class 10 Board examinations every year in March. All examination questions depend on this prospectus so students should know about any updates that are made by NCERT. For the examinations, students can likewise download the CBSE board test papers for class 10 free PDF download and work on taking care of issues with us.

By solving the CBSE test papers for class 10, candidates will figure out how to distinguish question paper examples and patterns, answer necessities, kinds of trap questions and the sky is the limit from there. Students are urged to endeavor test question papers inside the predefined time limit. The papers empower them  to find the correct technique and answers for ordinarily made questions. They are urged to solve the problems within the recommended time with the goal that they may assess their regions of solidarity and focus on those they are feeble in.

To endeavor board exam understudies require a great deal of training as ridicule tests and test papers that will plan and empower them to compose the Class 10 CBSE Board Examination with certainty. Since it is the main board exam a kid shows up for there is frequently a great deal of fear included. Explaining these example papers supports certainty and mitigates the dread of board examinations that a great deal of students have.

Here are sample question papers on various subjects for class 10 (session: 2018-19) along with answers and marking schemes:

Monday, 8 October 2018

Class 9 - 12 - Biology - Know About Disease - Brief Notes About AIDS (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

AIDS(A Brief Introduction)

Class 9 - 12 - Biology - Know About Disease - Brief Notes About AIDS (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

Meaning of AIDS

The word AIDS stands for Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome. This means a deficiency of the immune system, acquired during the lifetime of an individual indicating that it is not a congenital disease [disease or abnormality present from birth]. ‘Syndrome’ means a group of symptoms.

AIDS was first reported in 1981 and in the last twenty-five years or so, it has spread all over the world.

Luc Montagnier, Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, and their colleagues at the Pasteur Institute in Paris were the first to report the discovery of the virus now called the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) associated with AIDS.

Causes of AIDS

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

CBSE Class 10 - Biology - Reproduction in Plants - Very Short Questions Answers (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

Reproduction in Plants 

Class 10 Biology

Stamen, Anthers: Credits: Sandeep Handa

Very Short Questions Answers

Q1: Write two ways in which pollination may occur in plants.

Answer: The two ways in which pollination may occur in plants are:

Q2: Name the three agents of pollination.

Answer: The three agents of pollination are:

Q3: Name any three agencies for dispersal of seeds.

Man and animals, birds, bats, squirrels.

Friday, 13 July 2018

CBSE Class 10 - Biology - Our Environment - Revision Assignment (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

Biology - Our Environment 

Revision Assignment

CBSE Class 10 - Biology - Our Environment - Revision Assignment (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)


1. Using Kulhads as disposable cups to serve tea in trains, proved to be a bad idea. Why?

2. Why is plastic not degraded by bacteria?


3. DDT has entered the food chain. Which food habit is safer- vegetarian or non-vegetarian?

4. Classify the flowing as decomposers and producers Green plants, bacteria, fungi, algae, blue-green algae.

5. Distinguish between producers and consumers.

6. Name two environment-friendly practices.

7. Write any two ways of energy flow through an ecosystem.

Thursday, 24 May 2018

CBSE CLASS 10 - Biology - Control and Co-ordination (Important Questions) (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

Control and Co-ordination

(Important Questions to Revise)
CBSE CLASS 10 - Biology - Control and Co-ordination (Important Questions) (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)


1. Which endocrine gland is unpaired?

2. Which part of the brain controlled posture and balance of the body?

3. Where in a neuron, conversions of electrical signal to a chemical signal occur?

4. Which gland secretes digestive enzyme as well as hormones?

5. We suddenly withdraw our hand when a pin pricks. Name the type of response involved in this action.

6. Name the hormone which helps in regulating sugar level in our blood? Name the gland which secretes this hormone?

7. State the main function of abscises acid

Thursday, 3 May 2018




1) When was Ganga action plan project (gap) started and why was it started?

2) Name the type of bacteria whose presence in water causes intestinal disorders?

3) How does Ganga water pollute? List at least four human activities.

4) How do industries pollute the Ganga water?

5) What leads to the killing of fish in the large section of Ganga water?

6) What is the PH of water?

Sunday, 22 April 2018

CBSE CLASS 12 - Biology - Digestion - Five Digestive Juices (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)


CBSE CLASS 12 - Biology - Digestion - Five Digestive Juices (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)
Image credits: LadyOfHats (Wikimedia)

There are five digestive juices i.e.


Gastric juice

Pancreatic juice

Intestinal juice (succus entericus)

Bile juice

Sunday, 7 January 2018

CLASS 10 - Biology - Heredity and Evolution – Unit Test Paper (#cbsePapers)(#eduvictors)

Heredity and Evolution
Unit Test Paper

CLASS 10 - Biology - Heredity and Evolution – Unit Test Paper (#cbsePapers)(#eduvictors)

Q1: Define the following:
a) Inheritance
b) Heredity
c) Phenotype
d) Genotype

Q2: How does the creation of variation in a species promote survival?

Q3: Give scientific reasons:

i. In sexual mode of reproduction greater diversities are generated.

ii. Phenotypic and genotypic ratios are different.

iii. A cross between a tall plant (TT) and short pea plant (tt) resulted in progeny that were all tall plants

Q4: How do genes regulate the height of a plant ?

Friday, 27 October 2017

CBSE Class 10 - Biology - Study Notes about Plant Growth Hormones (Phytohormones) (#cbseNotes)

Plant Hormones (Phytohormones)

CBSE Class 10 - Biology - Study Notes about Plant Growth Hormones (Phytohormones) (#cbseNotes)

Plant hormones or phytohormones are small, simple chemical molecules, which are present in low concentration in plants and regulate growth, differentiation and development.

Two Categories of Phytohormones:

Plant growth promoters: Examples are auxins, gibberellins and cytokinins.
Plant growth inhibitors: Examples are abscisic acid, ethylene.

All about Auxins
Auxins are weakly acidic growth hormones.

Darwin (1880) was first to find about Auxins in the tip of canary grass.

These hormones are found in shoot apex, leaf Primordia and developing seeds.

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

CBSE Class 10 - Biology - Heredity and Evolution - Origin Of Life On Earth (Concept Points) (#cbseNotes)

Origin Of Life On Earth (Concept Points)

CBSE Class 10 - Biology - Heredity and Evolution - Origin Of Life On Earth (Concept Points) (#cbseNotes)

Most scientists believed that life arose from nonliving matter, mostly from gases. It originated in primitive form in the oceans of the earth.

4 billion years ago, the primitive atmosphere was formed. It had little oxygen and was likely thick with water vapor, along with compounds released by volcanic eruptions, such as nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia, and hydrogen.