Sunday 14 June 2015

CBSE Class 7 Science CH12 Reproduction In Plants (MCQs)

Reproduction In Plants 

Structure of Flower
Q1: Which one of the following is NOT a type of asexual reproduction?

(a) Budding
(b) Pollination
(c) Spores
(d) Fragmentation

Q2: Hydra produces by

(a) Fragmentation
(b) Budding
(c) Spores
(d) fusion of gametes

Q3: Which of the following is a male reproductive part of a flower?

(a) Stamen
(b) Pistil
(c) Stem
(d) Root

Q4: The small bulb-like projection coming out of yeast is known as ________.

(a) Fragment
(b) Spore
(c) Bud
(d) Seed

Q5: Which of the following is a male reproductive part of a flower?

CBSE Class 6 - Science - CH7: Getting To Know Plants (MCQs)(#eduvictors)(#class6Science)


CBSE Class 6 - Science - CH7: Getting To Know Plants (MCQs)


Q1: Small plants, soft perishable stems, attain height up to five feet, generally annuals and biennials. These plants are ________.

(a) Herbs
(b) Shrubs
(c) Trees
(d) none of these

Q2: Woody perennials, attain height between 3m to 5m, bushy appearance, profusely branched stems from the ground. These plants are ______.

(a) Herbs
(b) Shrubs
(c) Trees
(d) none of these

Q3: Woody perennial, single main stem called trunk, which gives out a number of branches. These plants are _________.

(a) Herbs
(b) Shrubs
(c) Trees
(d) none of these

Q4: Tomato plant is a _________

(a) Herb
(b) Shrub
(c) Tree
(d) none of these

Q5: Mango plant is a _________

CBSE Class 12 - Computer Science - C++ - Board Questions on Header Files

Board Questions On Header Files

There is 1 or 2 Marks questions based on function mapping to header files

Q1(CBSE 2012): Write the names of the header file to which of the following belong:

   (i) sqrt( )
   (ii) randomize()

Answer: (i) math.h
              (ii) stdlib.h

Q2: Name the header file that will be needed for the following code:

   void main()
     char word [] = "Board Examination";
  cout << setw(20) << word;

Answer: iostream.h (for cout), iomanip.h (for setw)

Q3(CBSE 2012): Which C++ header file(s) are especially required to be included to run the following C++ code. (Note: Do not include any header which is/are not required):

   void main()
      char TEXT[] = "something";
   cout << "Remaining SMS chars: " << 160 - strlen(TEXT) << endl;

Answer: iostream.h (for cout), string.h (for strlen)

Q4(CBSE 2013): Observe the following C++ code and write name(s) of the header file(s) which will be essentially required to run in a C++ compiler:

    void main()  
     int number;
  cin >> number;
  if (abs(number) == number)
    cout << "positive" << endl;

Answer: iostream.h (for cin, cout), math.h (for abs)

Saturday 13 June 2015

CBSE Class 6 - Science - CH5 - Separation of Substances (MCQs-2)

Separation of Substances 

Threshing (courtsey: wikipedia)

Q1: The method of separating substances based on size, colour and shape is called _______.

(a) Handpicking
(b) Winnowing
(c) Sieving
(d) Threshing

Q2: The process used for separating grains from stalk is called _________.

(a) Winnowing
(b) Sieving
(c) Threshing
(d) Decanting

Q3: Which method is commonly used by farmers to separate lighter husk particles from heavier seeds of grain.

(a) Winnowing
(b) Sieving
(c) Threshing
(d) Decanting

Q4: Pebbles and stones are removed from sand by ________

(a) Winnowing
(b) Sieving
(c) Threshing
(d) Decanting

Q5: The heavier component in a mixture settles after water is added to it, the process is called ________

CBSE Class 12 - Business Studies - CH6 - Staffing (V Short Q and A)


V Short Q & A
CBSE Class 12 - Business Studies - CH6 - Staffing (V Short Q and A)

Q1: Which function of management helps in obtaining right people and putting them on the right jobs?

Answer: Staffing

Q2: Is Human resource management a part of staffing? Say Yes or No.

Answer: No

Q3: Name the process which is related to searching for prospective candidates for vacant job position?

Answer: Recruitment

Q4: Why induction is not mandatory in when an employee is promoted to new position/department?

Answer: Because employee is already familiar with organization. It is a type of internal source selection.

Q5: What is job description?

Answer: It is a document which describes roles, responsibilities and relation of one job with other job.

Q6: Name the steps involved in process of staffing.

     i.    Man power planning
ii.   Recruitment
iii.  Selection
iv.   Placement
v.    Induction
vi.   Training and Development
viii. Performance Appriasial
ix.   Promotion and Career planning
x.    Compenstion

Friday 12 June 2015

CBSE Class 6 - Science - CH3 - Fibres to Fabrics (MCQs)

Fibres to Fabrics


Cotton Bolls
Q1: The thinner strands of thread are called as _________
(a) Fibres
(b) Fabric
(c) yarns
(d) cotton bolls

Q2: Which one of the following is NOT a natural fibre?

(a) Cotton
(b) Jute
(c) Nylon
(d) Wool

Q3: Which one of the following is NOT a synthetic fibre?
(a) polyster
(b) nylon
(c) acrylic
(d) silk

Q4: The fruits of the cotton plant are called ________.

(a) bolls
(b) jute
(c) yarn
(d) cushions

Q5: Which of the following is animal natural fibre?

Sunday 7 June 2015

CBSE Class 12 - Computer Science - Board Questions on Inheritance

C++ Inheritance Questions 
Asked in Board Examination

CBSE Class 12 - Computer Science - Board Questions on Inheritance

Q1(CBSE 2004): What is inheritance? Give an example in C++ to show its implementation in C++.

Answer: Inheritance is the process of forming a new class from an existing or base class. The base class is also known as parent class or super class. It allows the new class (called derived class) to inherit properties of its parent class.Inheriatnce helps in reusability of code.
For example, a class Truck inherits from class Automobiles which itself inherits from another class vehicles.

Q2(CBSE 2004): Given the following class definitions, answer the following questions.

   class Book 
      char title[20];
      char author[20];
      int no_of_pages;
        void read( );
     void show( );
   class TextBook : private Book
      int no_of_chapters, no_of_assignments;
         int standard;
         void readtextbook( );
      void showtextbook( );
   class PhysicsBook : public TextBook
       char topic[20];
       void readphysicsbook( );
       void showphysicsbook( );

(i) Name the members, which can be accessed from the member functions of class PhysicsBook.
(ii) Name the members, which can be accessed by an object of class TextBook.
(iii) Name the members which can be accessed by an object of class Physicsbook.
(iv) What will be the size of an object (in bytes) of class Physicsbook?

Answer: (i) no_of_chapters, no_of_assignments, standard, topic, readtextbook(), showtextbook(), readphysicsbook() and showphysicsbook().

(ii) read(), show(), readtextbook(), showtextbook()

(iii) readtextbook(), showtextbook(), readphysicsbook() and showphysicsbook()

(iv)20 + 20 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 20 = 68 bytes.

Q3 (CBSE 2013): Consider the following c++ code and answer the questions (i) to (iv):