Monday 4 May 2020

Class 9 - Maths - Real Numbers - Problems on Rationalization -2 For CBSE students (#eduvictors)(#cbseClass9Maths)(#rationalisation)

Class 9 - Maths - Real Numbers - Problems on Rationalization (Part-2) For CBSE students

The video series provides solutions for typical problems related to rationalization of irrational numbers covered under chapter real numbers. The video covers the solution for a long type of answer based question.

If the product of two irrational numbers is a rational number, then each number is called the rationalization factor. The process of multiplying an irrational number by its rationalising factor is called rationalisation. In this series, we'll try to present solutions for more HOTS and typical problems.

Sunday 3 May 2020

कक्षा - नवीं - हिंदी व्याकरण - वर्ण-विच्छेद (CBSE Class 9 Hindi Grammar - Varn Viched)(#eduvictors)(#class9Hindi)

हिंदी व्याकरण - वर्ण-विच्छेद

कक्षा - नवीं 
कक्षा - नवीं - हिंदी व्याकरण - वर्ण-विच्छेद (CBSE Class 9 Hindi Grammar - Varn Viched)(#eduvictors)(#class9Hindi)

किसी शब्द में प्रयुक्त वर्णों को अलग-अलग करके लिखना ही वर्ण विच्छेद है। वर्ण-विच्छेद करते समय व्यंजनों को स्वर से अलग करके लिखा जाता है। इसका अर्थ है कि  वर्ण विच्छेद में हमें शब्दों को, जो की वर्णों के समूह हैं, अलग-अलग करना है या स्वर या व्यंजन को अलग-अलग करना है।

वर्ण विच्छेद करते समय ध्यान देने योग्य बातें:

1.  व्यंजन और स्वर को अलग करना आना चाहिए।

2.  वर्ण- विच्छेद करते समय व्यंजन के साथ लगी मात्रा को भी अलग करना चाहिए। जैसे:-
     क =  क् +अ
    का = क् ‌+ आ
    कि = क् + इ 
    की = क् + ई

Wednesday 29 April 2020

CBSE Class 8 - Science - Force, Pressure and Friction (Multiple Choice Questions)(#eduvictors)(#cbseClass8Science)

Force, Pressure and Friction 
(Multiple Choice Questions)

CBSE Class 8 - Science
CBSE Class 8 - Science - Force, Pressure and Friction (Multiple Choice Questions)(#eduvictors)(#cbseClass8Science)

Q1. Force on an object
  (a) must change the speed of the object if it is moving.
  (b) may change the direction of motion.
  (c) must change the shape of object. .
  (d) none of these

Q2. Strength of a force is expressed by 
   (a) Magnitude
   (b) Direction
   (c) Both magnitude and direction
   (d) none of these

3. Force of friction is
   (a) contact force
   (b) non-contact force
   (c) gravitational force
   (d) electrostatic force

Monday 27 April 2020

CBSE Class 9 - English Language and Literature - Beehive - The Fun They Had (Chapter Questions and Answers)(#eduvictors)(#cbseClass9English)

Beehive - The Fun They Had 

(Chapter Questions and Answers)
CBSE Class 9 - English Language and Literature
CBSE Class 9 - English Language and Literature - Beehive - The Fun They Had (Chapter Questions and Answers)(#eduvictors)(#cbseClass9English)

I. Answer these questions in a few words or a couple of sentences each.

Q1. How old are Margie and Tommy?

Answer: Margie is a girl of eleven years of age while Tommy is a boy of thirteen.

Q2. What did Margie write in her diary?

Answer: On 17 May 2157, Margie wrote in her diary that Tommy had found a real book in the attic of his house. It was an old book with yellow, crinkly pages.

Q3. Had Margie ever seen a book before?

Answer: No, Margie had not seen a book before. She had only heard from her grandfather that his grandfather went to school as a boy and that they read books that were printed on paper.

Sunday 26 April 2020

CBSE Class 12 Accountancy - Chapter 2: ACCOUNTING FOR PARTNERSHIP FIRMS FUNDAMENTALS (Questions and Answers) (#eduvictors)(#cbsenotes)(#Class12Accountancy)


(Questions and Answers)
CBSE Class 12 Accountancy
CBSE Class 12 Accountancy - Chapter 2: ACCOUNTING FOR PARTNERSHIP FIRMS FUNDAMENTALS (Questions and Answers) (#eduvictors)(#cbsenotes)(#Class12Accountancy)

Q1: Define Partnership.

Answer: Section 4 of the Indian Partnership Act 1932 defines partnership as follows:
Partnership is the relations between two or more persons who have agreed to share the profits of a business carried on by all or any one of them acting for all.

In most respects a partnership is like a proprietorship except that more than one owner is involved. Like a proprietorship, for accounting purposes the partnership transactions must be kept separate from the personal activities of the partners. Partnerships are often used to organize retail and service-type businesses, including professional practices (lawyers, doctors, architects, and certified public accountants).

Q2: What are the essential features of Partnership?

Answer: Essential features of partnership are:
1. Two or More Persons
2. Agreement
3. Lawful Business
4. Mutual Agency
5. Sharing of Profit
6. Relationship of Mutual agency among the partners

Essential feature in details are:

Friday 24 April 2020

CBSE Class 8 - Science - Force, Pressure and Friction (Short Answer Type Questions)(#eduvictors)(#cbseClass8Science)

Force, Pressure and Friction 

(Short Answer Type Questions)
CBSE Class 8 - Science

CBSE Class 8 - Science - Force, Pressure and Friction (Short Answer Type Questions)(#eduvictors)(#cbseClass8Science)

Q1: Why do porters place on their heads a round piece of cloth?

Answer: To reduce pressure.
Round piece of cloth increases contact surface areas, thus reduce the pressure.

Q2: It is convenient to pull the luggage fitted with rollers, why? 

Answer: Because rollers reduce friction. Rolling friction is much less than sliding friction.

Q3: lf we apply a force on a body and the body is still in rest. Is there any frictional force acting on the body? If yes then how?

Answer: Yes. Static friction is acting on it in opposite direction to the applying force. Thus, resultant force is zero.

Q4:  Sliding friction is less than static friction, how? Explain by an example.

Thursday 23 April 2020

CBSE Class 12 - Computer Science/Informatics Practices - Python - A Quick Revision (#eduvictors)(#Class12ComputerScience)(#Class12InformaticsPractices)

Python - A Quick Revision

CBSE Class 12 - Computer Science / Informatics Practices
CBSE Class 12 - Computer Science/Informatics Practices - Python - A Quick Revision (#eduvictors)(#Class12ComputerScience)(#Class12InformaticsPractices)

Q1: What is python?

Answer: Python is an object-oriented high-level computer language developed by Guido Van Rossum in 1990s. It was named after a British TV show namely ‘Monty Python’s Flying circus’.

Q2: What are the major advantages of Python language?

Answer: Python is a very powerful interpreted language (executes the code line by line at a time).
Some advantages of python are:
    Easy to use
    Expressive language
    Cross-platform
    Free and open sources

Tuesday 21 April 2020

CBSE Class 12 - Business Studies - Chapter 3 - What is a Business Environment? (Q n A)(#eduvictors)(#Class12BusinessStudies)

Chapter 3 - What is a Business Environment? 

(Questions and Answers)
CBSE Class 12 - Business Studies

CBSE Class 12 - Business Studies - Chapter 3 - What is a Business Environment? (Q n A)(#eduvictors)(#Class12BusinessStudies)

Q1: Define Business Environment.

Answer: Business environment means the sum total of the factors which influence the business and over which the business has no control. The study of business environment enables the managers to identify threats and opportunities.

Q2: What is the basic difference between economic & non – economic environment?

Answer: The economic environment consist of factor like the fiscal policy, the monetary policy , the industrial policy, the pace of the economic development etc. The non-economic environment refer to social, cultural, political, legal, technological factor etc.

Q3: What are the features of Business Environment?

Sunday 19 April 2020

कक्षा ८ - लाख की चूड़ियाँ - परिचय एवं पाठ का सार Class 8 - Hindi - Lakh Ki Choodiyan - Introduction and Chapter Summary (#eduvictors)(#class8Hindi)

कक्षा ८ - लाख की चूड़ियाँ - परिचय एवं पाठ का सार 

Class 8 - Hindi - Lakh Ki Choodiyan
Introduction and Chapter Summary 
कक्षा ८ - लाख की चूड़ियाँ - परिचय एवं पाठ का सार Class 8 - Hindi - Lakh Ki Choodiyan - Introduction and Chapter Summary (#eduvictors)(#class8Hindi)

लेखक : कामतानाथ
जन्म : 22 सितम्बर 1934
मृत्यु : 7 दिसंबर 2012
स्थान : लखनऊ
लेखक कामतानाथ का जन्म 22 सितम्बर 1934 को लखनऊ मैं हुआ था इनकी मृत्यु 7 दिसंबर 2012 में लखनऊ में हुई थी। उन्हें उत्तर प्रदेश हिन्दी संस्थान ने 'साहित्य भूषण' पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया था। उन्हें 'पहल सम्मान', मध्य प्रदेश साहित्य परिषद की ओर से 'मुक्तिबोध पुरस्कार', उत्तर प्रदेश हिंदी संस्थान की ओर से 'यशपाल पुरस्कार', 'साहित्य भूषण' तथा 'महात्मा गांधी सम्मान' प्राप्त हो चुका है।

कामतानाथ की कहानी “लाख की चूड़ियाँ" शहरीकरण और औद्योगिक विकास से गाँव के उद्योग के ख़त्म होने के दुख को चित्रित करती है। यह कहानी रिश्ते-नाते के प्यार में रचे-बसे गाँव के सहज सम्बन्धी में बिखराव और सांस्कृतिक नुकसान के आर्थिक कारणों को स्पष्ट करती है।