Tuesday 5 September 2017

CBSE Class 6 English Grammar - Reading Comprehension - Unseen Poem-5 (#cbseNotes)

Reading Comprehension - Unseen Poem-5

CBSE Class 6 English Grammar - Reading Comprehension - Unseen Poem-5 (#cbseNotes)

I think of all the things I have
I like my pockets best.
Pockets hold just everything
And they give your hands a rest.
I never know just what I'll find
What special things I'll see
To put inside my pockets ~~
These are treasures just for me.
When Mommy's doing laundry though
She says sometimes it's scary
Finding rocks and frogs and beetles
And my spiders that are hairy

Q: Read the questions given below and write the option you consider the most appropriate in your answer sheet.

1) The child in the poem doesn’t decide beforehand what to keep in his pocket. Which of these lines show you this?

a) I like my pockets best
b) I never know just what I’ll find
c) These treasures are for me
d) I think of all things I have

2) Why does the child like his pockets best?

3) Name the things that the child’s mother found in his pockets.

4) Give a suitable title to the poem, other than “pockets”.


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