Tuesday 18 September 2018

Class 6 - Social Science - Our Pasts 1 - Kings and Kingdoms - Vedic Period (Key Terms)(#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

Class 6 - Social Science - Our Pasts I

Kings and Kingdoms - Vedic Period 

Class 6 - Social Science - Our Pasts 1 - Kings and Kingdoms - Vedic Period (Key Terms)(#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

(Key Terms)

1. Indo-Aryans: 
They were Aryans who migrated from Central Asia to India.

2. Sapta Sindhu: 
means the region of seven rivers. This was the region in which the Aryans first settled when they came to India.

3. Brahmavarta: 
means the land of the Gods. The region where the Aryans lived during the Earth Vedic Age was called Brahmavarta.

4. Aryavarta:
means the land of Aryans. The Gangetic Plain where the Aryans settled during the Later Vedic Age was called Aryavarta.

5. Janas: 
They were the tribes into which the Aryans were organized.

6. Gramas:  were the villages of the Aryans.

7. Gramaniwas: The headman of the village.

8. Rajan: was the chief of the tribe.

9. Purohita: 
He was the priest who performed religious ceremonies arid advised the king on important matters. Senani He was the commander-in-chief of the warriors and he led the forces during the war.

10. Sabha: 
It was a small assembly of important members of the tribe who advised and guided the king.

11. Samiti:
It was a large assembly where any member of the tribe could give his opinion on important matters concerning the tribe.

12. Grihapati: 
He was the eldest living male member who was the head of the family.

13. Monogamy: 
It is the custom of being married to only one person at a particular time.

14. Swayamwara :
It was the ceremony in which the women could choose their own husbands.

15. Soma and Sura: were intoxicating drinks consumed by the Aryans.

16. Varnas: 
were the four classes or castes Brahmanas kshatriyas, vaishyas, and shudras.

17. Hereditary:
What is passed from one generation to another. from the previous generation to new generation.

18. Rajasuya Yagna: 
It was performed when a king ascended the throne to confer supreme power on him.

19. Ashvamedha Yagna: 
The horse sacrifice was performed to establish the undisputed authority of the king over the territory through which the horse moved unchallenged.

20. Brahmacharya: 
It was the first stage of a man’s life during which he lived with his guru or teacher and received an education. Grihastha It was the second stage of a person’s life during which he got married and led a family life as a householder.

21. Vanaprastha: It was the third stage of a person’s life when he gave up his worldly life and went to the forests to meditate.

22. Sanyasa: 
It was the last stage of a person’s life when he renounced all worldly ties and became an ascetic spreading the principles of religion and truth.

23. Gurukul: 
It was the house of the guru or teacher where the young boys were sent to get an education.

24. Guru Dakshina: 
It was paid to the guru after a student completed his education. It was paid according to the students' capacity.

25. Dharma: 
It means that every person has a moral duty to do what is right and lead a pious life.

26. Karma: 
It means that people must face the consequences of their actions, i.e.. good deeds must be rewarded and evil deeds must be punished.

27. Transmigration of the soul: 
It means the passing of a person’s soul, after death, into another body.

☛See also:
Our Pasts - CH1 - What, Where, How and When? (NCERT Q & A)
Our Pasts - CH1 - What, Where, How and When? (Q &A)

Our Pasts - CH2 - On the Trail of Earliest People
Our Pasts - CH3 - From Gathering to Growing Foods 
Our Pasts - CH4 - In the Earliest Cities
Our Pasts - CH5 - What Books and Burials Tell Us?
Our Pasts - Ch6 - Kings and Kingdoms of Early Republic
Our Pasts - Ch6 - Kings and Kingdoms of Early Republic (Vedic Age) - Key Terms
Our Pasts - CH8 - Ashoka The Emperor who Gave up War
Our Pasts - CH8 - Ashoka The Emperor Who Gave Up War (Q&A-2)

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