Tuesday 18 December 2018

CBSE Class 7 - Science - Chapter 8 - Winds, Storms and Cyclones (Worksheet)(#eduvictors)(#cbsenotes)

Class 7 - Science 

Chapter 8 - Winds, Storms and Cyclones


CBSE Class 7 - Science - Chapter 8 - Winds, Storms and Cyclones (Worksheet)(#eduvictors)(#cbsenotes)

Fill the missing word in the blank spaces in the following statements:

1. Wind is _________ air.

2. Winds are generated due to ________ heating on the earth.

3. Near the earth’s surface __________air rises up whereas ___________ air comes down.

4. Air moves from a region of _________ pressure to a region of ___________ pressure.

5. Air around us exerts __________ in all directions.

6. Winds carrying ______________ bring rain.

7. Air _________ on heating while ________ on cooling.

8. A cyclone is called a __________ in the American continents and __________ in Japan and Philippines.

9. The word monsoon is derived from the Arabic word _________, which means ‘season’.

10. The centre of the cyclone is the calm area which is called the ____________ of the storm.

11. The instrument that measures the wind speed is called _______________.

12. ____________ is a dark funnel-shaped cloud that reaches the ground from the sky.


1: moving

2: uneven

3: warm, cooler

4: high, low

5: pressure

6:  water from oceans/rivers

7: expands, contracts

8: hurricane, typhoon

9: Mausam

10: eye

11: anemometer

12: Tornado