Friday 15 January 2021

Physicists and Their Major Contributions (#class11Physics)(#Class12Physics)(#NEET)(#JEE)(#Physics)(#eduvictors)

Physicists and Their Major Contributions

Physicists and Their Major Contributions (#class11Physics)(#Class12Physics)(#NEET)(#JEE)(#Physics)(#eduvictors)

For Class 11/Class 12 Physics - NEET - JEE

Physics deals with the study of the basic laws of nature and their manifestation in different phenomena. The basic laws of physics are universal and are applied in widely different contexts and conditions. Physics is a basic discipline in the category of natural sciences which also includes other disciplines like Chemistry and Biology. The word physics comes from a Greek word meaning nature.

Here is a partial list of Physicists and their contributions in various fields of physics.

Name of the Physicist Contribution/Discovery Country Of Origin
Archimedes Principle of buoyancy; Principle of the lever Greece
Galileo Galilei Law of inertia Italy
Christiaan Huygens Wave theory of light Holland
Isaac Newton Universal law of gravitation; Laws of motion; Reflecting telescope U.K.
Michael Faraday Laws of electromagnetic induction U.K.
James Clerk Maxwell Electromagnetic theory; Light - an electromagnetic wave U.K.
Heinrich Rudolf Hertz Generation of electromagnetic waves Germany
J.C. Bose Short radio waves India
W.K.Roentgen X-rays Germany
J.J. Thomson Electron U.K.
Marie Curie Discovery of radium and polonium; Studies on natural radio activity Poland
Albert Einstein Explanation of photoelectric effect;Theory of relativity Germany
Victor Francis Hess Cosmic radiation Austria
R.A. Millikan Measurement of electronic charge U.S.A.
Ernest Rutherford Nuclear model of atom New Zealand
Niels Bohr Quantum model of hydrogen atom Denmark
C.V. Raman Inelastic scattering of light by molecules India
Louis Victor de Broglie Wave nature of matter France
M.N. Saha Thermal ionisation India
S.N. Bose Quantum statistics India
Wolfgang Pauli Exclusion principle Austria
Enrico Fermi Controlled nuclear fission Italy
Werner Heisenberg Quantum mechanics; Uncertainity principle Germany
Paul Dirac Relativistic theory of electron; Quantum statistics U.K.
Edwin Hubble Expanding universe U.S.A.
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Cyclotron U.S.A.
James Chadwick Neutron U.K.
Hideki Yukawa Theory of nuclear forces Japan
Homi Jehangir Bhabha Cascade process of cosmic radiation India
Lev Davidovich Landau Theory of condensed matter; Liquid helium Russia
S.Chandrasekhar Chandrasekhar limit, structure and evolution of stars India
John Bardeen Transistors ; Theory of super conductivity U.S.A.
C.H. Townes Maser; Laser U.S.A.
Abdus Salam Unification of weak and electromagnetic interactions Pakistan
Stephan Hawking Quantum Gravity, Black Holes U.K.
Roger Penrose Black Holes U.K.
Nikola Tesla Alternating Current USSR, later USA

👉See Also:

Discoveries In Atomic Structure

Simple Physics Quiz

Physical Constants

Physics JEE/NEET/Engineering or PMT Entrance Quiz(SET-1)   
Physics JEE/NEET Engineering or PMT Entrance Quiz (Set-2)
Physics JEE/NEET Engineering or PMT Entrance Quiz (Set-3)
Physics JEE/NEET Engineering or PMT Entrance Quiz (Set-4)
Physics JEE/NEET Engineering or PMT Entrance Quiz (Set-5)

Ch2 Range of Measurements 
Ch2 -  Error Analysis
Ch2 - Dimension Analysis 
Ch2 - Units and Measurements (MCQs)

 Fundamental Units and Derived Units

 List of Atomic Research Organisations in India 

Scientific Instruments Quiz 

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