Tuesday 27 April 2021

Class 10 - English - First flight – Chapter 3: Two Stories about Flying (Questions and Answers)(#class10English)(#eduvictors)

Class 10 - English - First flight – Chapter 3: Two Stories about Flying 

(Q and A)

Class 10 - English - First flight – Chapter 3: Two Stories about Flying (Questions and Answers)(#class10English)(#eduvictors)

Q1: What did happen when the author turned the aeroplane twelve degree west towards England?

Answer: When the author turned the aeroplane twelve degrees west towards England, he saw huge storm clouds that looked like black mountains standing in front of him across the sky.

Q2: Explain the statement: “I was very happy to go behind the strange aeroplane like an obedient child.”

Answer: The pilot came across huge storm clouds. He could neither go above them nor go around them due to lack of fuel. Then, he saw a black plane without lights on its wings, flying near his plane. Its pilot waved and signalled him to follow him. The author did not have much choice but to follow him.

Q3: “I'll take the risk." What is the risk? Why does the pilot of the old Dakota take it?

Answer: The risk was that of going through the storm In the narrator’s old Dakota aeroplane. He flew through as he did not have fuel to fly around them, and couldn't fly over them. Also, he wanted to get home for a big English breakfast.

Q4: Why did the pilot think of going back to Paris?

Answer: The pilot came across huge storm clouds that seemed to him like black mountains. He could neither go above them nor go around them due to lack of fuel. That was when he thought of returning to Paris.

Q5: Which two options did the pilot of the Dakota plane have when he encountered the storm clouds on his way? What did he decide to do? Why?

Answer: The two options he had were: either to go back ta Paris or to go through the storm clouds. He decided to go through the storm clouds because he wanted to reach home and spend the holiday with his family.

Q6: Why could the woman In the control room not help the pilot of Dakota?

Answer: When the pilot of the Dakota plane asked the woman in the control centre about the black aeroplane and Its pilot, she could not help him because she had not seen any other plane flying that night on the radar.

Q7: Recount the experience of the pilot of the Dakota Inside the black clouds.

Answer: The pilot found that everything was black inside the clouds. It was impossible to see anything outside the aeroplane. The old aeroplane rolled and jumped in the air. The compass and other instruments stopped working. Suddenly, his radio also went dead.

Q8: Was the pilot of the Dakota able to meet the pilot of the black aeroplane?

Answer: No, he was not able to meet the pilot of the black aeroplane. When he was going to land his plane, he looked behind him. But the black plane was not there. The sky was empty. The woman at the control centre told him that no other planes were flying on that stormy night.

Q9: How did the mother make the young seagull come out of his fear and teach him the art of flying?

Answer: The young seagull was afraid of flying because he thought that his wings won‟t support him and he would drown. When his family left him alone on the ledge, he felt alone and was very hungry. They tried hard to make him fly but he never showed the courage to try. His mother knowingly tore a piece of fish near him and flew across to him with it. She came close to him but did not go nearer. Already mad by hunger, he dived at the fish but fell into space. After some time his wings spread outwards and he began to fly. His family landed on the sea ahead of him. They beckoned him so he landed on the sea and began to sink into the water but when his belly touched the water, he floated without any fear and difficulty.

Q10: How did the young seagull get over his fear of seawater and what was his family‟s reaction to it?

Answer: The young seagull had made his maiden flight successfully. When he was near the sea. he was flying straight over it. He observed a vast green sea all around him. He turned his beak sideways and cawed amusedly. His family was very happy and landed ahead of him. They beckoned to him.

When he landed on the sea, he began to sink but he tried in despair and his belly touched the water and he sank no further. He was floating on water. This way he got over his fear of seawater and his family praised him a lot and offered him the dogfish as a reward.

Q11: How did the writer get out of the storm in the night to land safely?

Answer: The writer was flying his old Dakota aeroplane when he saw the black clouds. He was lost in the storm. Suddenly, he saw a black aeroplane by his side, which had no lights, on its wings.

The pilot instructed the writer to follow as he had lost the way. He obeyed him like a child. He was very happy to follow him. After some time the pilot of another plane started to land. The writer followed him blindly through the storm and came out of the clouds. He saw the lights of the runway and landed safely.

Q12: Why was the writer happy when he decided to fly in the night?

Answer: The writer was very happy when he decided to fly that night because he was going home to his family to enjoy his holiday. When he started, everything seemed to be perfect. The sky was clear, no clouds could be seen and the stars were shining. It all made it an easy task for the writer to fly that night over the sleeping countryside of Paris. His assumption of everything being in place made him happy.

Q13: How did the young seagull's family celebrate his first flight?

Answer: The young seagull's family were very excited about the successful attempt of his first flight. They commended his efforts, praised him and offered him scraps of dogfish.

Q14: Why was the young seagull alone at the ledge?

Answer: The young seagull was alone at his ledge because his family had already flown away. He could not fly with them as he was afraid of the long stretch of the sea and its depth. He could not gather the courage to attempt his first flight.

Q15: What made the young seagull finally fly?

Answer: The young seagull was terribly hungry, so his mother took a piece of fish in her beak and came very close to (the young seagull. In an attempt to catch the piece of fish, It fell out of the ledge and made efforts to fly. Thus, his hunger and his mother's trick made him finally fly.

Q16: How did the little seagull try to draw the attention of his family, while on a ledge?

Answer: While on the ledge, the young seagull stood on one leg with the other leg hidden under his wing. He closed one eye, then the other and pretended to be falling asleep, to try to draw the attention of his family.

Q17: What was the young seagull’s feeling when he landed on the sea for the first time?

Answer: On his first flight, when he came near the sea, he was very excited He was flying straight over it. All the members of the family were encouraging and praising him for his first flight. They landed on the sea. Now his belly touched the water. He wanted to fly again. But he could not do it because he was very tired.

Q18: It is true that without the help of the members of the family, the young seagull could not fly. Describe.

Answer: At the beginning of the story ‘His First Flight’, the young seagull had a great fear of flying. His parents tried their best to encourage him for flying, but all in vain. They even threatened him that he would die of hunger. But he was not confident to fly. At last, his parents, brothers and sister flew away, leaving him alone on the ledge. Staying on the ledge for 24 hours, he became very hungry. So he tried to call out his mother. She took a piece of fish into her beak and came to him. But when she reached near, she made a little distance. In order to catch the piece of fish, he dived without thinking about the result and fell downwards. But the next moment, he could feel his wings spread outwards and he started flying. Thus, his mother helped him fly. So, it is evident that without the help of family members, the young seagull could not fly.


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