Tuesday 5 October 2021

Class 12 English - Prose - Deep Water (MCQs) (#class12English)(#eduvictors)(#cbse2021)(#term1MCQs)

Class 12 English - Prose - Deep Water (MCQs)

Class 12 English - Prose - Deep Water (MCQs) (#class12English)(#eduvictors)(#cbse2021)(#term1MCQs)

Q1: Who is the author of Deep Water?

(a) William Shakespeare

(b) William George Bernard Shaw

(c) William Wordsworth

(d) William Douglas

Q2: My introduction to the Y.M.CA. swimming pool revived unpleasant memories and stirred childish fears,"

It can be inferred that this was a clear case of

(a) supression

(b) opression

(c) depression

(d) repression

Q3: Why was the YMCA pool considered safer for Douglas?

(a) It was only two or three deep at the shallow end

(b) Though It was nine deep at the other end, the drop was gradual 

(c) Yakima River was treacherous

(d) All of these 

Q4: Why was Douglas reluctant to go naked into the swimming pool?

(a) He was shy of showing his skinny legs

(b) Swimming suit was mandatory at the pool.

(c) He had no swimming suit

(d) He was very proud of himself

Q5: The use of the word 'bruiser' for the boy implies that he was ...

(a) well built

(b) elder

(c) a bully

(d) a professional

Q6: In which subject has the author graduated?

(a) English and History

(b) English and Science

(c) Science and Social studies

(d) English and Economic

Q7: What is the story Deep Water speaking about?

(a) Fear of water and the way to overcome it

(b) Fear of people

(c) Fear of dogs

(d) Fear of swimming

Q8: Where is Yakima located?

(a) In Newzealand

(b) In California

(c) In Washington

(d) In Tokyo

Q9: Who is described in the following words: ‘He had thick hair on his chest. He was a beautiful specimen’.

(a) The Instructor who trained Douglas in swimming

(b) The big boy who threw him into the pool

(c) His father who took him to the beach in California

(d) Roosevelt who said ’All we have to fear is fear itself’

Q10: Where did the writer go when he was 3 or 4 years old in the story?

(a) Washington

(b) New Zealand

(c) California

(d) Canada

Q11: Why did he (the writer) develop a fear of water?

(a) Because of knocking down by waves at a beach

(b) Because of a young boy

(c) Because of instructor

(d) Because of his mother

Q12: During the practice at the swimming pool, Douglas encountered fear

(a) throughout the swimming exercise

(b) when the instructor put a belt around him

(c) when the instructor held the rope to help him swim across the pool

(d) when the instructor relaxed his hold on the rope

Q13: Trying to scare me, eh? Well, here’s to you! Look!” Where did Douglas say this?

(a) At the swimming pool

(b) Lake Wentworth

(c) Warm Lake

(d) Gilbert Peak

Q14: In death there is peace. There is terror only in the fear of death, as Roosevelt knew when he said, "All we have to fear is fear itself". 

The above statement exemplifies...

(a) Opinion

(b) Philosphical thought

(c) Learning experience

(d) Belief

Q15: Whose example he followed when he successfully swam across Warm Lake?

(a) His father

(b) The instructor

(c) Roosevelt

(d) Doug Corpron


1: (d) William Douglas

2: (d) repression

3: (d) All of these 

4: (a) He was shy of showing his skinny legs

5: (a) well built

6: (d) English and Economic

7: (a) Fear of water and the way to overcome it

8: (c) In Washington

9: (b) The big boy who threw him into the pool

10: (c) California

11: (a) Because of knocking down by waves at a beach

12: (d) when the instructor relaxed his hold on the rope

13: (a) At the swimming pool

14: (c) Learning experience

15: (d) Doug Corpron

👉See Also:

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