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Class 11 Informatics Practices - Chapter 1: Computer System (Questions and Answers) - Part 1

 Class 11 Informatics Practices - Chapter 1:
Computer System
(Questions and Answers) - Part 1

Class 11 Informatics Practices - Chapter 1: Computer System (Questions and Answers) - Part 1

The chapter discusses the computer system and provides an overview of its components, functionalities, and evolutions. Specifically, the chapter explains the central processing unit, memory, input/output devices, and storage devices, among others. It also defines computer memory and software. The information contained in the file ranges from technical to general, making it an excellent resource for computer science learners.

Q1. What is the default file format for Microsoft Word documents?

Answer: .docx

Q2. What is the most popular spreadsheet software in the world?

Answer: Microsoft Excel

Q3. Which popular video conferencing platform was acquired by Microsoft in 2020?

Answer: Zoom

Q4. What is the name of the most popular open-source operating system?

Answer: Linux

Q5. What is the most popular web browser in the world?

Answer: Google Chrome

Q6. What type of file format is commonly used for audio files?

Answer: MP3

Q7. What is the shortcut key to copy selected text?

Answer: Ctrl + C

Q8. What is the shortcut key to print a document?

Answer: Ctrl + P

Q9. Which programming language is most commonly used for web development?

Answer: JavaScript

Q10. What is the name of the default web browser that comes with Mac OS?

Answer: Safari

Q11. Very Short Answer: What is the main function of a computer?

Answer: To process data and generate results.

Q12. Multiple Choice: Which of the following is NOT a component of a computer system?

 a) Central Processing Unit (CPU)

 b) Monitor

 c) Printer

 d) Engine

Answer: d) Engine

Q13. Define the term "input" in the context of a computer system.

Answer: Input refers to the data or instructions that are entered into a computer system for processing.

Q14. Reasoning: Why are various forms and sizes of computer systems available?

Answer: Different computer systems cater to diverse needs and purposes. High-end servers require more processing power for complex tasks, while personal devices prioritize portability and convenience.

Q15. Fill in the blanks: A computer system typically consists of a central processing unit, memory, _______, and _______ devices.

Answer: input/output, storage

Q16. Very Short Answer: What is another name for the Central Processing Unit (CPU)?

Answer: Processor

Q17. Multiple Choice: What does the ALU in a CPU stand for?

 a) Advanced Logic Unit

 b) Arithmetic Logic Unit

 c) Assembly Logic Unit

 d) Artificial Logical Unit

Answer: b) Arithmetic Logic Unit

Q18. Define the term "register" in the context of a CPU.

Answer: A register is a small, high-speed memory location within the CPU that stores data, instructions, or intermediate results used during processing.

Q19. Why are registers limited in size and number?

Answer: Registers are limited in size and number because they are part of the CPU chip itself and require faster access speeds compared to main memory. Keeping them small and limited allows for increased speed and efficiency.

Q20. Fill in the blanks: The CPU has two main components: the __________, which performs arithmetic and logic operations, and the __________, which controls instruction execution and data flow.

Answer: Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), Control Unit (CU)

Q21. What are devices that send control signals to a computer called?

Answer: Input devices.

Q22. Multiple Choice Question:

Which of the following is an example of an input device?

a) Printer

b) Monitor

c) Keyboard

d) Speaker

Answer: c) Keyboard

Q23. Define input devices and provide an example.

Answer: Input devices are devices that send control signals to a computer and convert input data into a digital form. An example is a mouse.

Q24.Why is it necessary to convert input data into a digital form before it can be processed by a computer?

Answer: Computers can only process digital data, so input data needs to be converted into a digital form to be understood and processed by the computer's hardware and software.

Q25. Fill in the Blanks:

Data entered through input devices is temporarily stored in the ___________ of the computer system.

Answer: main memory (also called RAM)

Q26. What is the function of an output device?

Answer: To convert digital information and display it in a human-understandable form.

Q27. Multiple Choice Question: Which of the following is NOT an output device?

 a) Keyboard

 b) Monitor

 c) Printer

 d) Speaker

Answer: a) Keyboard (It's an input device)

Q28. What is a "3D printer"? 

Answer: A 3D printer is a machine that creates physical three-dimensional objects from a digital file.

Q29. Why are braille displays useful for visually challenged people when using computers?

Answer: Braille displays translate digital information into a tactile format of raised dots, allowing visually challenged individuals to read and understand computer output through touch.

Q30. Fill in the blanks: Three common types of printers are __________, __________ and __________.

Answer: inkjet, laserjet, dot matrix

Q31. Name the input/output device used to do the following:

a) To output audio

b) To enter textual data

c) To make a hard copy of a text file

d) To display the data/information

e) To enter an audio-based command

f) To build 3D models

g) To assist a visually impaired individual in entering data


a) Speaker/Headphone

b) Keyboard

c) Printer

d) Monitor/Projector

e) Microphone

f) 3D Printer

g) Braille display monitor


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