Showing posts with label class8-maths. Show all posts
Showing posts with label class8-maths. Show all posts

Tuesday 11 July 2017

CBSE Class 8 - Maths Periodic Assessment-1 (2017-18) (#cbseNotes)

CBSE Class 8 - Maths Periodic Assessment-1 (2017-18) (#cbseNotes)

CBSE Class 8 - Maths Periodic Assessment-1 (2017-18

Questions asked in the Q. Paper are from the following chapters:

1. Rational Numbers

Friday 3 March 2017

CBSE Class 8 - Maths - Squares - Properties of A Perfect Square (#cbsenotes)

Properties of A Perfect Square

CBSE Class 8 - Maths - Squares - Properties of A Perfect Square (#cbsenotes)

Please look at the table of some squares given below. You will see interesting patterns here.

Square of number 0 = 0

Number Square Number Square Number Square
1 1 11 121 21 441
2 4 12 144 22 484
3 9 13 169 23 529
4 16 14 196 24 576
5 25 15 225 25 625
6 36 16 256 26 676
7 49 17 289 27 729
8 64 18 324 28 784
9 81 19 361 29 841
10 100 20 400 30 900

Look at the table above. Observe that none of the column of squares ends with 2, 3, 7, or 8. Therefore we can say that a number endings with 2, 3, 7, 8 can never be a perfect square.
Thus 228257 , 132457 , 189678 , 84453 are not perfect squares.

Look at the last row of the table shown above. We notice that all the perfect squares are ending with an even number or 0. In the first line  e.g. 10² = 100 , 20² = 400, 30² =900,
Similarly 80²  = 6400, 50² = 2500.

We can prime factorise and see that 10, 20, 30,  etc . are not perfect squares. Thus a number ending with odd  number of zeros can never be a perfect square.

Friday 17 February 2017

CBSE Class 8 - Maths - CH3 - Understanding Quadrilaterals (Worksheet) (#cbsenotes)

Understanding Quadrilaterals

CBSE Class 8 - Maths - CH3 - Understanding Quadrilaterals (Worksheet) (#cbsenotes)

The worksheet helps you identify a specific quadrilateral based on its properties.

☛Directions: Fill in the blanks

A simple closed curve made up of only line segments is called a ________.

A _________ of a polygon is a line segment connecting two non- consecutive vertices.

A _______ _______ is a polygon in which no portion of its any diagonal is in its exterior.

A quadrilateral is a polygon having only ________ sides.

Thursday 5 January 2017

Class 8/ Class 9 - Properties Of Quadrilateral Figures (Worksheet) (#CBSEClass8Maths) (#CBSEClass9Maths)

Properties Of Quadrilateral Figures

Class 8/ Class 9 - Properties Of Quadrilateral Figures (Worksheet) (#CBSEClass8Maths) (#CBSEClass9Maths)


Question. Fill in the blanks (True or False) for the properties of the following figures:

Property Parallelogram Rhombus Rectangle Square
1. Both pairs of opposite sides are parallel and equal. ? ? ? ?
2. Both pairs of opposite angles are equal. ? ? ? ?
3. Diagonals bisect each other. ? ? ? ?
4. Diagonals are equal. ? ? ? ?
5. Each angle is 90° ? ? ? ?
6. Diagonals intersect at right angles. ? ? ? ?
7. All sides are equal. ? ? ? ?

Wednesday 4 January 2017

CBSE Class 8 - Maths - Comparing Quantities (Worksheet) (#CBSENotes)

Comparing Quantities

CBSE Class 8 - Maths - Comparing Quantities (Worksheet) (#CBSENotes)


Class 8  NCERT Exemplar Chapter Answers

In the following questions, fill in the blanks to make the statements true.

1. _________ is a reduction on the marked price of the article.

2. Increase of a number from 150 to 162 is equal to increase of _________ per cent.

3. 15% increase in price of an article, which is Rs 1,620, is the increase of Rs _________.

4. Discount = _________ – _________.

5. Discount = Discount % of _________.

6. _________ is charged on the sale of an item by the government and is added to the bill amount.

Saturday 31 December 2016

CBSE Class 8 - Mathematics - Direct and Inverse Proportions

Direct and Inverse Proportions
CBSE Class 8 - Mathematics
CBSE Class 8 - Mathematics - Direct and Inverse Proportions

NCERT Exemplar Problems and Solutions

Q1: If x and y are directly proportional and when x = 13, y = 39, which of the following is not a possible pair of corresponding values of x and y ?

(a) 1 and 3
(b) 17 and 51
(c) 30 and 10
(d) 6 and 18

Answer: (c) 30 and 10
For direct variation,
x1   =  x2
y1 y2

Thus x/y = 13/39 = 1/3. Options (a), (b) and (d) have the same ratio while option (c) does not.

Q2: Which of the following is in direct proportion?

(a) One side of a cuboid and its volume.
(b) Speed of a vehicle and the distance travelled in a fixed time interval.
(c) Change in weight and height among individuals.
(d) Number of pipes to fill a tank and the time required to fill the same tank.

Answer: (b) Speed of a vehicle and the distance travelled in a fixed time interval.
∵ Speed / distance = fixed ratio.

Q3: Both u and v vary directly with each other. When u is 10, v is 15, which of the following is not a possible pair of corresponding values of u and v?

(a) 2 and 3
(b) 8 and 12
(c) 15 and 20
(d) 25 and 37.5

Answer: (c) 15 and 20
u/v = 2/3
Option (C) does not maintain the same ratio.

Wednesday 21 December 2016

Class 8 Mathematics - Rotational Symmetry

Rotational Symmetry

Swastika has a rotational symmetry (order:4)
image credits: wikipedia

Class 8 Mathematics 

A figure has rotational symmetry if the object can be rotated about a fixed point without changing the overall shape.

e.g. Consider the following equilateral triangle, if you rotate by 120°, you get the same figure.
Order of Rotational Symmetry
The order of rotational symmetry is the number of times the shape maps onto itself during a rotation of 360°.

Saturday 3 December 2016

CBSE Class 8 Maths - Linear Equations In One Variable (Q and A) (#eduvictors)(#class8Maths)

Linear Equations In One Variable

Class 8 Maths

Q & A based on Class 8 NCERT Chapter 

CBSE Class 8 Maths - Linear Equations In One Variable (Q and A)

Q1(MCQ): If 3x – 4 (64 – x) = 10, then the value of x is

(a) –266
(b) 133
(c) 66.5
(d) 38

Answer: (d)38
  3x - 256 + 4x =10
  7x = 10 + 256 = 266
  x = 266/7 = 38

Q2: Three consecutive even numbers whose sum is 156 are 51, 52 and 53.
State if the above statement is True or False

Answer: False

Let the three consecutive even numbers be x, x+2, x+4
∴ x + x+ 2 + x+4 = 156
⇒ 3x + 6 = 156
⇒ 3x = 156 - 6 = 150
⇒ x = 150 /  3 = 50
Thus numbers are 50, 51, 52

Q3: Fifteen added to thrice a whole number gives 93. The number is __________.

Answer: 26

Q4: x = –12 is the solution of the linear equation 5x –3(2x + 1) = 21+x (True or False)

Wednesday 9 November 2016

CBSE Class 8 - Mathematics - Factorisation - NCERT Exercise (14.2)


CBSE Class 8 - Mathematics - Factorisation - NCERT Exercise (14.2)

NCERT Exercise 14.2

Q1: Factorise the following expressions.

(i) a2 + 8a + 16

(ii) p2 − 10p + 25

(iii) 25m2 + 30m + 9

(iv) 49y2 + 84yz + 36z2

(v) 4x2 − 8x + 4

(vi) 121b2 − 88bc + 16c2

(vii) (l + m)2 − 4lm (Hint: Expand (l + m)2 first)

(viii) a4 + 2a2b2 + b4


(i) a2 + 8a + 16 = (a)2 + 2 ☓ a ☓ 4 + (4)2

= (a + 4)2 [(x + y)2 = x2 + 2xy + y2]

(ii) p2 − 10p + 25 = (p)2 − 2 ☓ p ☓ 5 + (5)2

= (p − 5)2 [(a − b)2 = a2 − 2ab + b2]

(iii) 25m2 + 30m + 9 = (5m)2 + 2 ☓ 5m ☓ 3 + (3)2

= (5m + 3)2 [(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2]

(iv) 49y2 + 84yz + 36z2 = (7y)2 + 2 ☓ (7y) ☓ (6z) + (6z)2

= (7y + 6z)2 [(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2]

(v) 4x2 − 8x + 4 = (2x)2 − 2 (2x) (2) + (2)2

= (2x − 2)2 [(a − b)2 = a2 − 2ab + b2]

= [(2) (x − 1)]2 = 4(x − 1)2

(vi) 121b2 − 88bc + 16c2 = (11b)2 − 2 (11b) (4c) + (4c)2

= (11b − 4c)2 [(a − b)2 = a2 − 2ab + b2]

(vii) (l + m)2 − 4lm = l2 + 2lm + m2 − 4lm

= l2 − 2lm + m2

= (l − m)2 [(a − b)2 = a2 − 2ab + b2]

(viii) a4 + 2a2b2 + b4 = (a2)2 + 2 (a2) (b2) + (b2)2

= (a2 + b2)2 [(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2]

Saturday 5 November 2016

CBSE Class8 - Mathematics - Ch 14 - Factorisation (NCERT Ex 14.1)


NCERT Exercise 14.1 Solutions

CBSE Class8 - Mathematics - Ch 14 - Factorisation (NCERT Ex 14.1)

Q1: Find the common factors of the terms

(i)   12x, 36

(ii)  2y, 22xy

(iii)  14pq, 28p2q2

(iv) 2x, 3x2, 4

(v) 6abc, 24ab2, 12a2b

(vi) 16x3, −4x2, 32x

(vii) 10pq, 20qr, 30rp

(viii) 3x2y3, 10x3y2, 6x2y2z


(i) 12x = 2 ☓ 2 ☓ 3 ☓ x

36 = 2 ☓ 2 ☓ 3 ☓ 3

The common factors are 2, 2, 3.

And, 2 ☓ 2 ☓ 3 = 12

(ii) 2y = 2 ☓ y

22xy = 2 ☓ 11 ☓ x ☓ y

The common factors are 2, y.

And, 2 ☓ y = 2y

(iii) 14pq = 2 ☓ 7 ☓ p ☓ q

28p2q2 = 2 ☓ 2 ☓ 7 ☓ p ☓ p ☓ q ☓ q

The common factors are 2, 7, p, q.

And, 2 ☓ 7 ☓ p ☓ q = 14pq

(iv) 2x = 2 ☓ x

3x2 = 3 ☓ x ☓ x

4 = 2 ☓ 2

The common factor is 1.

Monday 10 October 2016

CBSE - Class 6-12 - Mathematics - Important Formulas

Mathematics - Important  Formulas has added a new section "Mathematics" and has compiled important formulas on different topics.

Here is the list of Mathematics formulas:

1. Algebra Formulas

⓵ Polynomials
⓶ Fractions
⓷ Algebraic Identities
⓸ Exponents
⓹ Roots

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Class 8 - Maths - Algebraic Expressions and Identities (NCERT Ex 9.2 Answers)

Algebraic Expressions and Identities 

(NCERT Ex 9.2 Answers)

Class 8 - Maths - Algebraic Expressions and Identities (NCERT Ex 9.2 Answers)

Q1: Find the product of following pair of monomials.

(i) 4 , 7p


4   ☓   7p = 4  ☓ 7   ☓ p = 28p

(ii) -4p , 7p


-4p   ☓   7p = -4 ☓ p ☓ 7  ☓ p = (-4☓7)☓ (p☓ p) = -28p2

(iii) 4p , 7pq


-4p  &#9747 7p = -4 ☓ p ☓7  ☓ p  ☓ q = (-4☓ 7)☓ (p☓ p☓ q) = -28p2q

(iv) 4p3 , -3p


4p3  ☓  -3p = 4  ☓(-3)   ☓ p ☓ p☓ p☓ p = -12p4

(v) 4p , 0


4p ☓ 0 = 4☓ p☓ 0 = 0

Q2: Find the areas of rectangles with the following pairs of monomials as their lengths
and breadths respectively.

(p , q);(10m , 5n);(20x2 , 5y2);(4x , 3x2);(3mn ,4np)


We know that,

Area of rectangle = Length ☓ Breadth

Area of 1st rectangle = p ☓ q = pq

Area of 2nd rectangle = 10m ☓ 5n = 10☓ 5 ☓ m ☓ n = 50mn

Area of 3rd rectangle = 20x2 ☓ 5y2 = 20☓ 5 ☓ x2 ☓ y2 = 100x2y2

Area of 4th rectangle = 4x ☓ 3x2 = 4☓3 ☓ x ☓ x2 = 12x3

Area of 5th rectangle = 3mn ☓4np = 3☓ 4 ☓ m ☓ n ☓ n ☓ p = 12mn2p

Q3: Complete the table of products.

First Monomial (⇨)
Second Monomial(⇩)
2x -5y 3x2 -4xy 7x2y -9x2y2

2x 4x2 ... ... ... ... ...
-5y ... ... -15x2y ... ... ...
3x2 ... ... ... ... ... ...
-4xy ... ... ... ... ... ...
7x2y ... ... ... ... ... ...
-9x2y2 ... ... ... ... ... ...


Sunday 12 January 2014

CBSE Class 8 - Maths - CH 6 - Square and Square Roots (Ex 6.4)

Square and Square roots

Exercise 6.4

Q1: Find the square root of each of the following numbers by division method.

(i)2304  (ii) 4489  (iii)3481  (iv) 529   (v)3249 (vi) 1369

(vii)5776 (viii) 7921  (ix)576 (x) 1024 (xi)3136 (xii) 900


(i)The square root of 2304 is calculated as follows.

423 04


∴√ 2304  = 48

(ii)The square root of 4489 is calculated as follows.

644 89


∴√ 4489  = 67

(iii)The square root of 3481 is calculated as follows.

534 81


∴√ 3481  = 59

(iv)The square root of 529 is calculated as follows.

55 29


∴√ 529  = 23

(v)The square root of 3249 is calculated as follows.

532 49


∴√ 3249  = 57

(vi)The square root of 1369 is calculated as follows.

313 69


∴√ 1369  = 37

(vii)The square root of 5776 is calculated as follows.

757 76


∴√ 5776  = 76

Saturday 4 January 2014

CBSE Class 8 - Maths - Cube and Cube Roots (Ex 7.1)

Cube and Cube Roots 

(NCERT Ex 7.1)

Q1: Which of the following numbers are not perfect cubes?
(i)  216
(ii) 128
(iii) 1000
(iv) 100
(v) 46656


(i) The prime factorisation of 216 is as follows:

2 108
2 54
3 27
3 9
3 3

∴ 216 = 2 ☓ 2 ☓ 23 ☓ 3 ☓ 3 = 23 ☓ 33

Here, each prime factor appears as many times as a perfect multiple of 3, therefore, 216 is a
perfect cube.

(ii) The prime factorisation of 128 is as follows:

2 64
2 32
2 16
2 8
2 4
2 2

∴  128 = 2 ☓ 2 ☓ 22 ☓ 2 ☓ 2 ☓ 2

Here, each prime factor does not appear as many times as a perfect multiple of 3. Therefore, 128 is not a perfect cube.

(iii)The prime factorisation of 1000 is as follows.

2 500
2 250
5 125
5 25
5 5

∴ 1000 = 2 ☓ 2 ☓ 25 ☓ 5 ☓ 5 =  23 ☓ 53

Here, as each prime factor appears as many times as a perfect multiple of 3, therefore, 1000 is a perfect cube.

(iv)The prime factorisation of 100 is as follows.

2 50
5 25
5 5

∴ 100 = 2 ☓ 2 ☓ 5 ☓ 5

Here, each prime factor does not form triplet group(s). Therefore, 100 is not a perfect cube.

(iv) The prime factorisation of 46656 is as follows.

2 46656 
2 11664
2   5832
2   2916
2   1458
3     729
3     243
3      81
3      27
3       9
3       3

46656 = 2 ☓ 2 ☓ 22 ☓ 2 ☓ 23 ☓ 3 ☓ 33 ☓ 3 ☓ 3
 = 23 ☓ 2☓ 3☓ 33
Here, each prime factor appears as many times as a perfect multiple of 3,
∴ 46656 is a perfect cube.

Q2: Find the smallest number by which each of the following numbers must be multiplied to obtain a perfect cube.

Wednesday 25 December 2013

CBSE Class 8 - Maths - Comparing Quantities (Ex 8.2)

Comparing Quantities 
NCERT Chapter (Ex 8.2)

Q1:A man got a 10% increase in his salary.If his new salary is 1,54,000,find his original salary.

Let original salary be x. Given that new salary is 1,54,000.

Original salary + increment= New salary

But it is given that increment is 10% of the original salary.


Thus,the original salary was Rs 1,40,000.

Q2: On Sunday 845 people went to the zoo.On Monday only 169 people went.What is the percent decrease in the people visiting zoo on Monday?


Given that on Sunday,845 people went to the zoo and on Monday,169 people went.

Decrease in number of people = 845-169=676

Percentage Decrease

Sunday 22 December 2013

CBSE Class 8 - Maths - Comparing Quantities (Ex 8.1)

Comparing Quantities 
NCERT Chapter (Ex 8.1)

Q1: Find the ratio of the following:

(a)Speed of cycle 15 km per hour to speed of scooter 30 km per hour

Ratio of speed of cycle to speed of scooter

(b) 5m to 10 km


Since 1 Km = 1000 m,

Required Ratio

(c) 50 paise to Rs 5


Since Re 1 = 100 paise ,

Required Ratio

Q2: Convert the following ratios to percentages.
