Monday 8 September 2014

CBSE Class 10 - हिंदी (पर्यायवाची शब्द)

पर्यायवाची शब्द

CBSE Class 10 - हिंदी (पर्यायवाची शब्द)

१. चंद्र-यान में बैठकर वे ____ की सतह पर उतरे |

२. ' गर्मियों के दिन, _____ का तमतमाता रूप ' |

३. आग ताप रहे हो ? आसमान से _____बाण बरस रहे हैं |

४. मधु पीने के कारण भौंरा ____ भी कहलाता है |

५. शकुंतला ने कान में फूल का _____ फूल पहना था |

६. एक _____ ख़राब हो तो नेत्रहीन नहीं कहेंगे |

७. बुद्ध ने कहा - मैं कब तक राह दिखाऊंगा, अपना _____ खुद ढूँढो |

८. ____ सा तन कहें या चाँदनी- सा बदन !

९. ब्रज के वंशी धर को ______ भी कहते हैं |

१०. हिमालय के शिखर देखो, ऐसी ही एक ______ पर बचेंद्री पाल ने कदम रखे थे |

Saturday 6 September 2014





Q1: The plant hormone which is essential for cell division is:

(a) Auxin
(b) Cytokinin
(c) Ethylene
(d) Gibberellin

Q2: The gap between two neurons is called _____

(a) Synapse
(b) Axon
(c) Synthesise
(d) Dendron

Q3: A potted plant is kept in a room. It starts to bend towards the direction of light. This type of movement is known as

(a) Photographism
(b) Photoperiodism
(c) Phototropism
(d) Photocynism

Q4: Tropic movements are

(a) in response to light
(b) in response to gravity
(c) non-directional
(d) unidirectional

Wednesday 3 September 2014

CBSE Class 10 - हिंदी - अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द

अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द

CBSE Class 10 - हिंदी - अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द

१. जानने की इच्छा
२. हाथ से लिखा हुआ 
३. साफ़-साफ़ कहने वाला 
४. पथ से भ्रष्ट 
५. बहुत तेज चलने वाला 
६. अवसर के अनुसार बदल जाने वाला 
७. जिसका विवाह हो चुका है 
८. जो आँखों के सामने न हो 
९. जानने की इच्छा रखने वाला 
१०. जो किसी बात से न टले
११. जिसका कोई आकार नहीं 
१२. जिसकी पत्नी की मृत्यु हो गई हो 
१३. आत्मा पर विश्वास 
१४. स्वास्थ्य की रक्षा 
१५. वन में रहने वाला मनुष्य
१६. रंग के लिए महल 

Sunday 31 August 2014

CBSE Class 9 - Science - CH 3 - GRAVITATION


CBSE Class 9 - Science - CH 3 - GRAVITATION
credits: Dennis Nilson


Q1: An object moving in (upward) direction opposite to the gravitational force of earth performs _________

(a) accelerated motion
(b) motion with constant velocity
(c) oscillations
(d) retarded motion

Q2: The value of acceleration due to gravity of the surface of the earth is

(a) 2 m/s2
(b) 4.9 m/s2
(c) 9.8 m/s2
(d) 8 m/s2

Q3: The mass of an object __________

(a) varies at different locations
(b) remains constant
(c) can be measured using spring balance
(d) is in the direction of gravitational force.

Q4: The value of acceleration due to gravity at the poles

Wednesday 27 August 2014

CBSE Class 10 - English(Communication) - CH 13 - THE DEAR DEPARTED


CBSE Class 10 - English(Communication) -  CH 13 - THE DEAR DEPARTED

Q & A

Question 1:  What are the reasons for the old people being "abused, harassed and abandoned" in India?

Answer : The old people feel very lonely and ignored. They often feel depressed. They feel that they have nobody to care for them. They cannot share their problems with anybody. Lives in metropolitan cities have left no time with members of the family to spend with each other.

Question 2: Given below are the main incidents in the play. They are in a jumbled order.
Arrange them in the sequence in which they occur in the play.

1. Victoria is asked to fetch the bunch of keys to the bureau to look for the insurance receipt.
2. Mrs. Slater instructs Victoria to put her white frock on with a black sash.
3. Mrs Slater discovers that grandfather is 'dead'.
4. The Slaters fetch the bureau and the clock from upstairs.
5. The family sits down to have tea.
6. Henry wears the new slippers of grandfather's
7. Grandfather comes to know how his daughters were in a hurry to divide his things between them.
8. Grandfather announces his intention to change his will and to marry Mrs. Shorrocks.
9. Grandfather comes down and is surprised to find the Jordans.
10. They discuss the obituary announcement in the papers and the insurance premium payment.
11. The Jordans arrive and learn the details of grandfather's 'demise' from the Slaters.

3. Mrs Slater discovers that grandfather is 'dead'.
2. Mrs. Slater instructs Victoria to put her white frock on with a black sash.
6. Henry wears the new slippers of grandfather's
4. The Slaters fetch the bureau and the clock from upstairs.
11. The Jordans arrive and learn the details of grandfather's 'demise'from the Slaters.
5. The family sits down to have tea.
10. They discuss the obituary announcement in the papers and the insurance premium payment.
1. Victoria is asked to fetch the bunch of keys to the bureau to look for the insurance receipt.
9. Grandfather comes down and is surprised to find the Jordans.
7. Grandfather comes to know how his daughters were in a hurry to divide his things between them.
8. Grandfather announces his intention to change his will and to marry Mrs. Shorrocks.

Question 3: How does Mrs. Slater plan to outshine the Jordans? What does it reveal about her character?