Showing posts with label class9-sstudies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label class9-sstudies. Show all posts

Wednesday 20 February 2019

CBSE Class 9 - Social Science Annual Sample Question Paper (2018-19) (Set-2)(#cbsepapers)(#eduvictors)

CBSE Class 9 - Social Science
 Annual Sample Question Paper (2018-19)

CBSE Class 9 - Social Science  Annual Sample Question Paper (2018-19) (Set-2)(#cbsepapers)(#eduvictors)

Getting good marks is very important for students of class 9. For this one must practice and attempt sample question papers within time limits.

Here follows a sample question paper on Social Science subject to assess your knowledge about the subject.

For studying you may refer following help guides:

CBSE Class 9 - Social Science Annual Sample Question Paper (2018-19) (Set-1)(#cbsepapers)(#eduvictors)

CBSE Class 9 - Social Science
 Annual Sample Question Paper (2018-19)

CBSE Class 9 - Social Science  Annual Sample Question Paper (2018-19)  (Set-1)(#cbsepapers)(#eduvictors)

Getting good marks is very important for students of class 9. For this one must practice and attempt sample question papers within time limits.

Here follows a sample question paper on Social Science subject to assess your knowledge about the subject.

For studying you may refer following help guides:

Thursday 17 January 2019

CBSE Class 9 - Economics - Chapter 3 - Poverty as a Challenge (Questions and Answers)(#eduvictors)(#cbsenotes)

Class 9 - Economics - Poverty as a Challenge 

(Questions and Answers)
CBSE Class 9 - Economics - Chapter 3 - Poverty as a Challenge (Questions and Answers)(#eduvictors)(#cbsenotes)

Q1: Who advocated that India would be truly independent only when the poorest of its people becomes free of human suffering?

Answer: Mahatma Gandhi

Q2: What is social exclusion ? Give one example of it.

1. According to the concept of social exclusion, poverty must be seen in terms of the poor having to live only in poor surroundings with other poor people, excluded from enjoying social equality with better-off people in better surroundings.

2. It is a process through which individuals or groups are excluded from facilities, benefits and opportunities that others enjoy.

3. Its typical example is the working of caste system in India. In this system, people from certain castes are excluded from equal opportunities.

Friday 30 November 2018

CBSE Class 9 - Economics - Chapter 3: Poverty As A Challenge (Q and A)(#eduvictors)(#cbsenotes)

Chapter 3: Poverty As A Challenge

(Q and A)
CBSE Class 9 - Economics - Study Notes

CBSE Class 9 - Economics - Chapter 3: Poverty As A Challenge (Q and A)(#eduvictors)(#cbsenotes)

Q1. Why calorie requirements in rural areas are fixed at a higher level than urban areas? 

Answer: Since people living in rural areas engage themselves in more physical work that is why
calorie requirement is more in rural areas.

Q2. Describe the poverty trends in India since 1973. 

(i) The proportion of the people below the poverty line declined from 55% in 1973 to 45% in 1993-94 and 37% in 2004-05. It has further declined to 22% in 2011-12.

(ii) The number of poor people declined from 407 million in 2004-05 to 269 million in 2011-12.

(iii) There is a standard decline in poverty ratio in India for both rural and urban areas.

Thursday 25 October 2018

CBSE Class 9 - History - CH – 2 – SOCIALISM IN EUROPE AND THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION - Assignment (#eduvictors)(#cbsenotes)


CBSE Class 9 - History - CH – 2 – SOCIALISM IN EUROPE AND THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION - Assignment (#eduvictors)(#cbsenotes)


1. What was the thinking of nationalists regarding existing monarchy?

2. What was the root of all ills in society, according to socialism?

3. Who has sought to build a corporative community called ‘New Harmony’?

4. Name two famous socialists who introduced a communist system.

5. Who all wanted revolutions to put an end to the monarchical system?

6. Mention the other name of the commune in Russia?

Tuesday 21 August 2018

CBSE Class 9 - History - Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution (NCERT Solutions)(#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

Socialism in Europe
and the Russian Revolution

Class 9 India and the Contemporary World
Chapter 2 - Social Science
NCERT Solutions

CBSE Class 9 - History - Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution (NCERT Solutions)(#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

Question 1: What were the social, economic and political conditions in Russia before 1905?

Answer: The Social, economic and political conditions in Russia before 1905 were backward.

Social Conditions:
1. 85% of Russia’s population was agriculturist.

2. The industry was existent, but rarely in which most of was privately owned.

3. Workers were divided on the basis of their occupation. They mainly migrated to cities for employment in factories.

4. The peasant community was deeply religious but did not care much about the nobility. They believed that land must be divided amongst themselves.

Economic Conditions: 
1. Russia was going through a bad period economically.

2. Prices of essential good rises while real wages decreased by 20%leading to the famous St. Petersburg strike

3. This strike started a series of events that are together known as the 1905 Revolution.

4. During this revolution, there were strikes all over the country, universities closed down, and various professionals and workers established the Union of Unions, demanding the establishment of a constituent assembly.

Saturday 11 August 2018

Indian States Touching International Borders - Geography - CBSE Class 6/7/8/9/10/NTSE/CTET -

Indian States Touching International Borders 

Indian States Touching International Borders  - Geography - CBSE Class 6/7/8/9/10/NTSE/CTET -


States Situated on International Borders
(Indian States touching International Borders)
No. Countries States
1 Pakistan 1. Gujarat
2. Rajasthan
3. Punjab
4. Jammu & Kashmir

Friday 10 August 2018

Our Country India - CBSE Class 6/9 - Geography - Assignment (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

Our Country India 

Our Country India - CBSE Class 6/9 - Geography - Assignment (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

Assignment Worksheet

Q1. Name southernmost point of Indian Mainland.

Q2. Where is Indira Point located?

Q3. Name the largest and smallest state of India.

Q4. What are the Seven Sisters?

Q5. Name the most populous state of India.

Saturday 28 July 2018

CBSE Class 9 - India and the Contemporary World – Chapter 5 - Pastoralists in the Modern World ( NCERT Answers) (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

Pastoralists in the Modern World

CBSE Class 9 - India and the Contemporary World – Chapter 5 - Pastoralists in the Modern World ( NCERT Answers) (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

(NCERT Solutions)

Q1: Explain why nomadic tribes need to move from one place to another. What are the advantages to the environment of this continuous movement?

Answer:  There were many need of nomadic tribes to move from one place to another:

① The nomadic tribes had no regular fields of their own from where they could get fodder for their cattle.

② They lived with their herd in the low hills of the Himalayas from September to April because; the huge mountains or high altitudes were covered with snow during this period. In these areas, the dry scrub forests provided pastures for their herds during this period.

③ With the onset of summer, as the snow melted and the hillsides began to be covered with lush green with a variety of new grasses, the pastoralists started their northward march for their summer grazing grounds.

④ Again with the onset of winter when the mountains began to be covered with snow and there was a dearth of nutritious forage, these pastoralists on the move again, this time on their downward journey.

The movement of the nomadic pastoralists from the downward to the upward areas and vice-versa allowed sufficient time for natural restoration of vegetation grounds. Their continuous shifting provided sufficient forage to the different animals both at the high mountains and the lower hills. They also helped in maintaining the quality of the pastures.

Monday 18 June 2018

CBSE Class 9 - Geography - India land of diverse relief features (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

India Land of Diverse Relief Features
CBSE Class 9 - Geography - India land of diverse relief features (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)
India Relief Features
credits: Sagredo, Wikipedia

Q: Write a short note describing India is a land of diverse relief features.

India presents a picturesque landscape,  characterized by great diversity in its landforms with respect to relief, structure and rock formations.

The north has a vast expanse of highly rugged terrain consisting of the Himalayan mountain chain. The bold and youthful relief of these parallel ranges is largely composed of metamorphic and sedimentary rocks.

Saturday 16 June 2018

CBSE Class 9 - Geography - India: Size and Location (Very Short Questions and Answers)(#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

India: Size and Location 

(Very Short Questions and Answers)
CBSE Class 9 - Geography - India: Size and Location (Very Short Questions and Answers)(#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

Q1: Indian Standard Time or I.S.T. is how many hours ahead or behind of G.M.T. or Universal Time?

Answer: 5 hrs.30 min. ahead of G.M.T.

Q2: Which Canal has reduced India’s distance from Europe by 7000 km?

Answer: Suez Canal

Q3: The Standard Meridian of India, 82°30’E passes through which place in UP?

Answer: Mirzapur in Uttar Pradesh

Q4: From Arunachal Pradesh to Gujarat, there is a time lag of.....

Answer: 2 hours

Q5: Approximately what is the latitudinal and longitudinal extent of the mainland of India?

Answer: 30°

Thursday 14 June 2018

CBSE Class 9 - History - Chapter 3 - Nazism and the Rise of Hitler (Very Short Q and A)(#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

 Nazism and the Rise of Hitler 

 (Very Short Q and A)

CBSE Class 9 - History - Chapter 3 - Nazism and the Rise of Hitler (Very Short Q and A)(#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

Q1: Why did Helmut’s father kill himself in the spring of 1945?

Answer: He feared revenge by the Allied Powers

Q2: What is referred to as Fascism in History?

Answer: Fascism was first propagated by Benito Mussolini. Under the Fascist system power of the state is vested in one person or a group of persons.

Q3: Why did the Nuremberg Tribunal sentence only 11 Nazis to death for such a massive genocide?

Answer: The Allies did not want to be harsh on defeated Germany as they had been after World War I

Tuesday 12 June 2018



(India and The Contemporary World - I)
(Very Short Q and A)


Q1: The people who wanted to put an immediate end to the existing governments in Europe(in 1815) were called ...

Answer: Revolutionaries

Q2: Who were radicals?

Answer: They wanted a nation which tolerated all religions. They argued for an elected Parliamentary government, subject to laws interpreted by a well-trained judiciary that was Independent of rulers and officials. They were not Democrats.

Q3: By the mid-19th century in Europe, the idea which attracted widespread attention on the restructuring of society was ________.

Answer: Socialism

Q4: Who was the ruler of Russia before October 1917 revolution?

Answer: Tsar Nicholas II.

Q5: Who conspired in Italy to bring about a revolution?

Answer: Giuseppe Mazzini

Friday 20 April 2018

CBSE Class 9 - History - French Revolution - Legacy and Results of French Revolution (Q and A) (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

Legacy and Results of French Revolution

CBSE Class 9 - History - French Revolution -  Legacy and Results of French Revolution (Q and A) (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

Q1: What were the legacy and results of the French revolution?

The French Revolution is one of the most important events in the history of the world. It marked the beginning of new era for people of France and those of the world.

The new ideas of Liberty equality and fraternity.
The revolution asserted the equality of man. It brought about the downfall of the autocratic regime in France. Other European kings had now realised that the time was approaching when the subjects also would assert their democratic rights.
Liberty equality and fraternity these words came as the source of light and want to a dead world.

A death blow to feudalism
The revolution brought an end to the feudal system in France. Old social based on the privileges of the novels and the clergyman cease to exist. It gave freedom to the bulk of the population - the peasants, the serfs and the agricultural labourers

Tuesday 12 December 2017

CBSE class 10/9/8/7 - Social Science - Civics- Types of Government (#eduvictors)(#cbseNotes)

Know Different Types of Governments

CBSE class 10/9/8/7 - Social Science - Civics- Types of Government (#eduvictors)(#cbseNotes)

A government whose authority is based on citizen’s votes ,which are represented by elected or nominated officials chosen in free election.

Democracy means ‘rule of people’. The term today refers to political system in which the people or their elected representatives govern themselves.

As a system of government, commission is a system of government in which the states owns and operates industry on behalves of the people.

Monday 13 November 2017

CBSE Class 9 - Economics - Poverty As A Challenge - Important Terms You Should Know (#cbseNotes)(#eduvictors)

Poverty As A Challenge
Important Terms You Should Know

CBSE Class 9 - Economics - Poverty As A Challenge - Important Terms You Should Know (#cbseNotes)(#eduvictors)

It is a situation in which one is unable to get even the minimum basic necessities of life such as food , clothing , shelter for his/he'r sustenance.

Who are poor?
In our daily life we come across many poor people such as landless labourers in villages, people living in jhuggis, daily wage workers at construction sites, child labourers in dhabas, rickshaw-pullers, domestic servants, cobblers, beggars, etc.

Dimensions of Poverty:
  Poverty means hunger and lack of shelter, parents are unable to send their children to school, lack of clean surroundings lack of regular job and therefore, leads to helplessness.

Social indicators of poverty:
  Illiteracy , lack of general resistance due to malnutrition, inability to work, lack of access to health care and lack of jobs.

Wednesday 25 October 2017



Q & A

Q1: What do you mean by the term institution? Why are they required?

Answer: Several arrangements are made in all modern democracies to perform  various tasks. Such arrangements are called institutions. Some of the tasks performed by these institutions are:

1.  To ensure security to the citizens and provide facilities for education and  health to all.

2.  To collect taxes and spend the money thus raised on administration, defence and development programmes.

3.  To formulate and implement several welfare schemes.

4.  To solve the disputes: if they arise on various decisions or on their  implementation.

A democracy works well when the various institutions perform functions assigned to them.

Q2: Which three institutions are responsible to run a democratic government in India? Mention their respective roles.

Answer: The three institutions responsible to run a democratic government in India are: