Sunday 24 May 2020

CBSE Class 10 - Chemistry - Chemical Reactions and Equations (Q & A) Part-1 (#eduvictors)(#class10Chemistry)

CBSE Class 10 - Chemistry - Chemical Reactions and Equations (Q & A) Part-1

CBSE Class 10 - Chemistry - Chemical Reactions and Equations (Q & A) Part-1 (#eduvictors)(#class10Chemistry)

The first chapter of Chemistry talks about chemical reactions and equations. In a chemical reaction, reactants are transformed into products. In this series, the part-1 video covers questions and answers about chemical changes or reactions. How do chemical changes differ from physical changes? Examples of chemical changes and indicators. What are the characteristics or indicators or chemical changes?

For Study Notes, Worksheets, Question Papers and Assignments for CBSE Class 6 - 12 check our website

Friday 22 May 2020

CBSE Class 12 - Chemistry - Chapter 13 - Bio-molecules - Very Short Answer Based Questions (#eduvictors)(#cbse2020)(#class12Chemistry)

Chapter 13 - Bio-Molecules - Very Short Answer Based Questions 

CBSE Class 12 - Chemistry

CBSE Class 12 - Chemistry - Chapter 13 - Bio-molecules - Very Short Answer Based Questions (#eduvictors)(#cbse2020)(#class12Chemistry)

Q1: What are carbohydrates?

Answer: Carbohydrates are optically active polyhydroxy aldehydes or ketones or the compounds which produce these on hydrolysis.

Q2: What are the two end products of cellular respiration?

Answer: CO₂  and H₂O

Q3: What are the four types of carbohydrates?

Answer: Monosaccharides, Disaccharides, Oligosaccharides and Polysaccharides

Q4: What are monosaccharides? Give two examples.

Answer: Monosaccharides are the carbohydrates which cannot be hydrolyzed further. e.g. glucose, fructose, ribose.

Q5: Name the two carbohydrates which act as biofuels.

Answer: Starch and glycogen.

Q6: What are disaccharides? Give two examples.

Answer: Disaccharides are those carbohydrates which produces two monosaccharides on hydrolysis. e.g., sucrose, maltose and lactose.

Tuesday 19 May 2020

CBSE Class 10 - Biology - Control and Coordination (Worksheet - Fill in the Blanks)(#eduvictors)(#cbse)(#Class10Biology)

Control and Coordination (Worksheet - Fill in the Blanks)

CBSE Class 10 - Biology 
CBSE Class 10 - Biology - Control and Coordination (Worksheet - Fill in the Blanks)(#eduvictors)(#cbse)(#Class10Biology)

Fill in the blanks:

1. Control and coordination are the functions of the nervous system and --------------- in our body.

2. The nervous system uses ---------------impulses to transmit messages.

3. Central nervous system consists of -------------and--------------.

4. Largest part of the brain is---------------.

5. The growth of pollen tubes towards the ovules is the result of a ------------- movement.

6. The chemical substances which bring about control and coordination in plants ---------.

Saturday 16 May 2020

CBSE Class 12 - Business Studies - Chapter 2 - Principles of Management - Understanding Scientific Management (#Class12BusinessStudies)(#cbse)(#eduvictors)(Q & A)

Understanding Scientific Management (Q & A)

CBSE Class 12 - Business Studies
Chapter 2 - Principles of Management 

CBSE Class 12 - Business Studies - Chapter 2 - Principles of Management - Understanding Scientific Management (#Class12BusinessStudies)(#cbse)(#eduvictors)(Q & A)

Q1: What is Taylor's Scientific Management?

Answer: F.W. Taylor (1856-1915) was an American mechanical engineer who believed in analyzing the work scientifically and finds one best way to do any work.  His book Principles of Scientific Management was published in 1911.

Taylor conducted a number of experiments and came to the conclusion that workers were producing much less than the targeted standard task.
Also, both the parties - Management and workers are hostile towards each other. He gave a number of suggestions to solve this problem and correctly propounded the theory of Scientific Management to emphasize the use of the scientific approach in managing an enterprise instead of hit and trial method. 

For his contributions, he is well known as the “Father of the Scientific Management”.

Q2: What is Scientific Management?

Answer: Scientific Management is a way to conduct business activities according to standardised tools, methods and trained personal so as to have increased output through effective and optimum utilisation of resources. Hence it stresses that there is always one best way of doing things.

Friday 15 May 2020

CBSE Class 9 - Maths - Real Numbers - Problems on Rationalisation (Part-4)(#eduvictors)(#class9Maths)

CBSE Class 9 - Maths - Real Numbers - Problems on Rationalisation (Part-4)

CBSE Class 9 - Maths - Real Numbers - Problems on Rationalisation (Part-4)(#eduvictors)(#class9Maths)

The objective of rationalizing a denominator is to make it easier to understand what the quantity really is by removing irrationals from the denominators. The video series provides solutions for typical problems related to rationalization of irrational numbers covered under chapter real numbers. The video covers the solution for a long type of answer based question. In this series, we'll try to present solutions for more HOTS and typical problems for students of mathematics of class 9 For study Notes, Worksheets, Question Papers and Assignments for CBSE Class 6 - 12, do check our website

Wednesday 13 May 2020

CBSE Class 9 - Biology - Cell - Fundamental Unit Of Life - 1 Marker Questions (#class9Biology)(#eduvictors)

CBSE Class 9 - Biology - Cell - Fundamental Unit Of Life - 1 Marker Questions

CBSE Class 9 - Biology - Cell - Fundamental Unit Of Life - 1 Marker Questions (#class9Biology)(#eduvictors)
Animal Cell (Image Credits: AJC1, Flickr)

Q1. Name the cell organelle which is commonly called ‘suicidal bag’ of the cell.

Q2. Which cell organelle are termed the ‘powerhouses’ or ‘storage batteries’ of the cell?

Q3. Name cell organelles having double-membrane envelope.

Q4. Name the organelle which is associated with protein synthesis.

Q5. Which organelle of plant cell has chlorophyll pigments in it?

Q6. Who proposed the fluid mosaic model of the structure of the plasma membrane?

Q7. Who coined the term ‘cell’ and in which year?

Q8. Name the scientists who proposed ‘cell theory’.

Saturday 9 May 2020

CBSE Class 9 - Real Numbers - Problem on Rationalisation (Part-3)(#eduvictors)(#cbseClass9Maths)

CBSE Class 9 - Real Numbers - Problem on Rationalisation (Part-3)
CBSE Class 9 - Real Numbers - Problem on Rationalisation (Part-3)(#eduvictors)(#cbseClass9Maths)

The video series provides solutions for typical problems related to rationalization of irrational numbers covered under chapter real numbers. The video covers the solution for a long type of answer based question.

If the denominator of an expression is a surd, it can be reduced to an expression with rational denominator.

If the product of two surds is a rational number, then each one of them is a rationalizing factor of the other.

In this series, we'll try to present solutions for more HOTS and typical problems.

Friday 8 May 2020

CBSE Class 11 - Accountancy - Chapter 1 - Introduction to Accounting (#eduvictors)(#class11Accountancy)

Chapter 1 - Introduction to Accounting

CBSE Class 11 - Accountancy - Q & A

CBSE Class 11 - Accountancy - Chapter 1 - Introduction to Accounting (#eduvictors)(#class11Accountancy)

Q1: Define Accounting.

Answer: Accounting can be defined as a process of identifying, recording, classifying, summarizing and communicating economic data.

The introduction of accounting helps the decision-makers of a company to make effective choices, by providing information on the financial status of the business. Today, accounting is used by everyone and a good understanding of it is beneficial to all.

Accountancy acts as a language of finance.

Accounting is a service activity. Its function is to provide quantitative information, primarily financial in nature, about economic entities that is intended to be useful in making economic decisions.

Q2: State the objectives of accounting.

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Computer Applications - Syllabus 2020-21 For CBSE Class 9 and 10 (#eduvictors)(#cbse)

Computer Applications - Syllabus 2020-21 For CBSE Class 9 and 10

Computer Applications - Syllabus 2020-21 For CBSE Class 9 and 10  (#eduvictors)(#cbse)

As compared to last academic year, the syllabus for Computer Applications almost remains the same. The detailed syllabus is shown below or you may download from CBSE website.

As per the syllabus Learning Outcomes for Class 9 are: 

1. Ability to familiarise with basics of computers.
2. Ability to navigate the file system.
3. Ability to create and edit documents, spread sheets, and presentations.
4. Ability to perform basic data manipulation using spread sheets and use Indian languages in documents.
5. Ability to send and receive emails, follow email etiquette, and communicate over the internet.
6. Ability to create and upload videos.
7. Ability to safely and correctly use websites, social networks, chat sites, and email. 

As per the syllabus Learning Outcomes for Class 10 are: 

1. Ability to create a simple website
2. Ability to embed images, audio and video in an HTML page
3. Ability to use style sheets to beautify the web pages.
4. Ability to write iterative programs with Scratch/Python.
5. Ability to Interface a web site with a web server and record the details of a user's request.
6. Ability to follow basic cyber ethics
7. Ability to familiarize with network concepts.

Here follows the syllabus: